Tender No.
BMP/Meth/Tender Notice/24-25/136, dt. 03-Jul-2024    Publication Date   03-Jul-2024 
Brief Description / Tender Title Construction of one no pump foundation at 15L-17L/9Ed in Sripur seam of Methani Colliery. 
Tender Category
Mining    Tender Area / Location   Sodepur 
Estimated Cost / Tender Value
89,358.01    Earnest Money   1,200.00    Cost of Tender Document   0.00 
Last Date of Document Collection 10-Jul-2024     TIME   upto 17:00 Hrs. 
Last Date of Submission 11-Jul-2024     TIME   upto 13:00 Hrs. 
Date of Tender Opening 11-Jul-2024     TIME   at 15:30 Hrs. 
Pre-Bid Meeting Date ----
Tender / Bid Document 48339BID.pdf     
Corrigendum(s) ---- 
Cancellation Notice ---- 
Other Information Open Tender in wax sealed cover is invited on percentage basis for the following work from the eligible and experience contractors ECL/Central Govt./State Govt./PSU organization. Name of the work- Construction of one no pump foundation at 15L-17L/9Ed in Sripur seam of Methani Colliery. The prescribed non-transferable tender form are obtained on any working day from the office of Agent, BMP Group on remittance of Earnest Money receipt issued by the Cashier Methani Colliery. Period of issuing of Tender Paper: From 05.07.2024 to 10.07.24 The date & time of submission of Tender: Up to 11.07.2024 up to 1.00 PM The date & time of opening of Tender: On .11.07.2024 at 3.30 PM