Tender No.
KKC/Agent/Tender/2024-2025/1883 (SL NO.04), dt. 13-Sep-2024    Publication Date   14-Sep-2024 
Brief Description / Tender Title Construction of 02 (Two) nos. Tugger haulage foundation and laying of track line in Panel – 31 in Sonachora (R-VIII B) Seam at Pit No. 11 of Khas Kajora Colliery. 
Tender Category
Survey    Tender Area / Location   Kajora 
Estimated Cost / Tender Value
191,216.90    Earnest Money   2,026.00    Cost of Tender Document   0.00 
Last Date of Document Collection 23-Sep-2024     TIME   upto 17:00 Hrs. 
Last Date of Submission 24-Sep-2024     TIME   upto 13:00 Hrs. 
Date of Tender Opening 24-Sep-2024     TIME   at 15:30 Hrs. 
Pre-Bid Meeting Date ----
Tender / Bid Document 50641BID.pdf     
Corrigendum(s) ---- 
Cancellation Notice ---- 
Other Information Sealed tenders are invited on item-wise rate basis from reputed, bonafide, competent, resourceful & experienced contractors, working / enlisting in Govt. / Public sector / joint sector Enterprises for the job given below. Specification / probable items of the work and quantities can be seen from the office of the Agent, Khas Kajora Colliery (U/G) during office hours as well as at company’s website i.e. www.easterncoal.gov.in Name of works- Construction of 02 (Two) nos. Tugger haulage foundation and laying of track line in Panel – 31 in Sonachora (R-VIII B) Seam at Pit No. 11 of Khas Kajora Colliery. 1.Details of publication of tender, submission & opening of Tender: - (within working hours) a.Publication period of Tender 16.09.2024 to 23.09.2024 b.Place of publication and seeking clarification (if any) regarding Tender (within period of publication) Office of the Agent, Khas Kajora Colliery(U/G) c.Date & Time of submission of Tender documents 24.09.2024 (10:00 a.m.to 01:00 p.m.) d.Place of submission of Tender documents Office of the Agent, Khas Kajora Colliery(U/G) e.Date & Time of opening of Bid (Validity of bid is 120 days from the date of opening) 24.09.2024 at 3:30 p.m. If Office happens to be closed on date of opening as specified, Opened on next working day at same time & venue. Cost of tender documents is non-refundable.