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Tender ID 520601 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 07/2024-25, Dt.10.06.2024
Name of Work O&M- Reconstruction of Under Tunnel at Km.15.035 of Left Main Canal of Taliperu Project near Pedamidisileru (V), Charla (M), Bhadradri Kothagudem district. Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 8222760.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 28/06/2024 12:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Department Name I & CAD - Telangana Circle/Division I & CAD - Telangana-SE, Irrigation Circle,Bhadrachalam
Tender ID 520601 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 07/2024-25, Dt.10.06.2024
Name of Project Operation and Maintenance Name of Work O&M- Reconstruction of Under Tunnel at Km.15.035 of Left Main Canal of Taliperu Project near Pedamidisileru (V), Charla (M), Bhadradri Kothagudem district.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
2911 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 21/06/2024 12:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 28/06/2024 12:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Superintending Engineer Bid Opening Authority Superintending Engineer
Address Irrigation Circle, Bhadrachalam Contact Details 9949947978
Email sebcm.irr@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.82300.00 APAO Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Check slip as per Annexure I of bid Document COMMON Mandatory
2 Contractors registration certificate under appropriate class COMMON Mandatory
3 PAN Card and Latest income tax returns COMMON Mandatory
4 Details of value of civil engineering works for last 10 years as per Statement I of bid document with supporting certificates/details COMMON Mandatory
5 Details of existing commitments in Statement IV with supporting documents COMMON Mandatory
6 Availability of key and critical equipment in Statement V of bid document COMMON Mandatory
7 Availability of key personnel in Statement VI of bid document COMMON Mandatory
8 information regarding any litigation history in Statement VII COMMON Mandatory
9 Net liquid assets/ credit facilities COMMON Mandatory
10 Aadhar card and contact correspondence details COMMON Mandatory
11 Declaration on genuinity of uploaded documents on Rs. 100/- stamp paper as per bid document. COMMON Mandatory
12 Proof of payment of EMD 1% COMMON Mandatory
13 Any other document as per bid document COMMON Mandatory
14 GST registration certificate and latest GST filing details for the preceeding quarter COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) The proof of payment of 1% EMD shall be submitted for concluding agreement 2) The Contractor should furnish the address and contact Numbers Mobile/land phone, e-mail id in the tender to which communication relating to the contract may be sent and also authorize person to be available at work spot during his absence. Any change in the incumbency of the authorized agent shall be communicated in writing by the Contractor to the Executive Engineer and their acknowledgement obtained on his copy of the communication. 3) It is to be expressly and clearly understood that the Contractor shall make his own arrangements to equip himself with all machinery and special tools and plant required for the speedy and proper execution of the work and the department does not undertake responsibility towards their supply. 4) The tenderer should select approved quarries of his own choice as well as sources of water and quote the tender premium including quarrying, conveyance and all other charges. 5) The work will have to be executed as per the IS Specifications, standard specifications of APSS and Special Specifications attached herewith or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge with reference to the working drawings. 6) Premium / Percentage quoted by the tenderer in Schedule-A is for finished work at-site and inclusive of all incidental and contingent charges. All taxes such as sales tax, seigniorage and royalties etc. in respect of materials to be used on the work must be borne by the Contractor. 7) The rates of individual item given in the technical bid are the through rates for the finished work at site and inclusive of all incidental charges and contingent charges. All taxes such as seigniorage charges royalties etc., in respect of materials and insurance on the work must be borne by the Contractor. 8) The Contractor shall have to produce the Insurance policy in favour of the department and copies of appointment orders of technical personnel before concluding the agreement. Failing to comply with the above conditions, reimbursement shall not be allowed for the insurance policy will be taken by the department and the cost will be recovered from the Contractors bill as per para 1(d) of Annexure-I of G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD(PW)Dept, Dated. 01-07-2003. A penalty of Rs. 1,000/- per month shall be imposed besides Rs. 1,000/- per month for not engaging technical personal. NOTE: At the time of concluding agreement duly making it as a part of agreement only. The insurance police of proclaim / vehicles should be furnished even the vehicles / proclaims are leased at the risk of contractor before concluding of the agreement. 9) Vernacular Signature should be translated into English. 10) The Contractor shall at his cost to all the drainage and pumping necessary for carrying out the work including shoring, strutting etc., the Contractor shall provide at his own cost necessary river diversion works other than coffer dams and other protective works contingent on the work. It is the duty of the Contractor not only to provide for such works but also maintain them during the course of work in serviceable and safe condition. The Department accepts no responsibility for any work itself, consequent on the failure of the coffer dams, diversion works or protective works, whether it is due to rains, floods in the river or other causes. The rate quoted must be inclusive of all the above charges. 11) Excavation will be paid for with vertical slopes indicated in the drawings as far as foundation are concerned and will be paid only once during execution as per plans and section. If the Contractor finds it convenient to make out the excavation at slopes other than those shown in the plan to avoid shoring, in any case, it shall be done at his cost and it shall be his responsibility to make the excavation safe, at all stages of work. 12) Re-handling of excavated soil due to injudicious selection of the place of dumping shall not be paid for. 13) Machine rates are to be adopted in all cases of earth work excavation where quantities exceed 1000 Cum. 14) The Contractor should use the excavated useful soil and stone obtained from excavation for construction purpose. 15) The responsibility for arranging the land for borrow area and for disposal of soil, rests with the Contractor and no separate payment will be made for the procurement or otherwise and Contractor quoted rates will be inclusive of the land cost. 16) The special attention of the tenderer is drawn to the conditions in the tender notice wherein reference has been made to the Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications and the standard preliminary Specifications contained therein. These preliminaries Specifications shall apply to the agreement to be entered into between the Contractor and Government of Andhra Pradesh and shall form an inseparable condition of the contract along with the additional conditions of contract, special specifications, drawings agreement, Schedule etc., All these documents taken together shall be deemed to form a contract and shall be complementary to one another. 17) During the currency of the contract deduction of Income tax at 2.24% shall be made from the gross value of each bill of the contract, the contract value of which is in excess of Rs. 10,000/- for deduction of tax at rate lower than 2.24% procedure stipulated under Section 194-C(4) of Income Tax Act. 1961 shall be followed. 18) Income Tax clearance Certificate should be furnished before the payment of final bill, where value of contract is over Rs. 10,000/-. 19) G.O.Ms No. 14 I&CADD Dept Dt.31-01-2015 amendment to Annexure-II para 1 (h) to G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dt. 01.07.2003, in respect of class of contractorsG.O.Ms.No: 94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dated: 01-07-2003 CLASS-V and above( Specify required Class & Category) 20) As per the request of the builders Association of India, A.P. Centre to establish the Institute of Construction Technology at Hyderabad, 0.25% of the estimate contract value will be recovered from the running bills of the contractors voluntarily and the same will be remitted to the Institute in terms at G.O.Ms.No.92, TR&B (B-1) Dept. Dated 19-5-1998 i.e., 0.15% for Chief Ministers relief fund and 0.10% for National Academy of Construction as per G.O.Ms. No. 159, TR&B (R.III) Dept. Dated 30.10.2004. 21) The Contractor shall use Holfer Miller, Vibromax Roller, Pin Vibrators and suitable equipment at the worksite for attaining quality of work. NOTE a. Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable. b. The bidders are requested to upload the information in Zip format preferably. c) The bidders are requested to upload the documents duly signing each and every document. d). The notice inviting tender authority will have right to cancel or postpone the tender without assigning any reason. e). There is no EMD exemption for open works except for reserved works. f). The Exemption of EMD as per G.O. Ms.No.59 I&CAD(Re forms) Dept Dt.21.05.2018. as follows i). The Communities belonging to SC/ST/Wadderas/Sagara Communities are be exempted from payment of EMD to works costing upto Rs. 100.00 Lakhs

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
1.For Tenders upto 5 % Less than ECV of the Work, no Additional security deposit is required. For Tenders less by more than 5 % of the ECV of the work, the difference between tendered amount and 95 % of ECV shall be taken as additional security deposit from the successful bidder in the form of Demand Draft at the Time of Agreement, the registration of Class - V above are eligible to tender. The Tenders should be in the prescribed form obtained from e-procurement platform, from the date of electronic publication up to the time and date indicated in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT). The intending bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the e- procurement market place www. tender.telangana.gov.in. Those contractors who register themselves in the ?e- procurement market place can down load the tender schedules free of cost. The dates stipulated in the Tender notice are firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed, unless officially extended. The tenderer should upload the scanned copies of (1) Registration, (2) Attested copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt (3) Required experience certificates as per qualification criteria (4) Required commercial tax certificate along with registration number and clearance certificate from the appropriate authority. (5) Valid APGST/VAT registration certificate with clearance. (6) Registration of GST/VAT. The Contractors should produce originals of all documents for verification, if asked. 3.1. The technical bid evaluation of Tenders shall be done on the certificates/ documents uploaded through online only towards qualification criteria furnished by them. 3.2 The successful tenderer (L1) shall furnish the original hard copies of all the documents/ certificates/statements uploaded by him before concluding agreement. 4. The participating bidders have to pay transaction fee TSTS @ 0.03% of ECV (Estimated Contract Value) + 18.00 % service Tax, at the time of bid submission electronically through payment gateway service on e-procurement platform. 5. The bidders can view/down load the Tender documents from the ?e? market place. 6. The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle,Khammam reserves the right to reject any/or all the Tenders, without assigning any reasons there for. 7. PAYMENT OF E.M.D. Each Tenderer must pay along with tender a sum of Rs 1 % of ECV as Earnest Money Deposit either through online payment / Challan or unconditional irrevocable BG in the standard format in favour of SE/IC/Khammam, obtained from any Nationalized Bank or any Scheduled Commercial Bank to be valid for a period of (Three) 03 months, from the date of publication of tender notice and should be scanned and uploaded along with the Bid. The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original Challan/BG towards EMD, certificates / documents of the uploaded scanned copies to the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Khammam before entering in to agreement either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same with in the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / non - receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, certificates / documents, from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents the department shall ensure the genuinity of the Challan /BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement system in support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement. If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates / documents, Challan /BG towards EMD with in the stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hard copies submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e-procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting successful bidder based on the trigger/ recommendation by the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Khammam in the system. Besides this the Department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the Government. The successful Tenderer should however pay balance E.M.D. at 1.5% of value of work at the time of concluding agreement in shape of crossed D.D. in favourAPAO,Bhadradri-KOthagudem, Payable at Kothagudem OR unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee as per the standard format in favour of Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Khammam to be valid for the period of completion of work plus defect liability period of 24 months. If the successful Tenderer has submitted a Bank Guarantee towards E.M.D at the time of tendering the validity of Bank Guarantee should be extended for the period of completion plus the defect liability period of 24 months at the time of concluding the agreement. 7.3 The retention amount from the bills will be deducted at the rate of 7.5%. 7.4 Deleted. 7.5 The Earnest Money Deposit will be retained in the case of the successful tenderer and will not carry any interest and it will be dealt with provisions as provided in the Tender document. 7.6 The tenders received will be decided within a period of three months from the last date prescribed for the receipt of the Tenders and the decision regarding the disposal of the Tenders will be informed, at any time with in the said period. 7.7 During the above mentioned period, no plea by the Tenderer for any sort of modification of the Tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconceptions or mistake or for any reason will be entertained. 7.8. Tenders shall be valid for a period of 3 months. Before expiry of validity, the authority who called for the Tenders, shall seek for further extension of validity from the contractors and in case the validity is not extended his Tender will not be considered. 7.9. In consideration of the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer / Commissionerate of Tenders, undertake to investigate and to take into account each Tender and in consideration of the work thereby involved, all earnest money deposited by the Tenderer will be forfeited to the Government, in the event of such Tenderer either modifying or withdrawing his Tender at his instance within the said validity period of three months. 8. The successful bidder has to pay @ 0.04 % of ECV with a cap of Rs. 10,000/- towards the ?e? procurement corpus fund through D.D. drawn in favour of TSTS, Hyderabad at the time of concluding the agreement and shall handover the same to the Superintending Engineer concerned, who is entering into the Agreement with the successful bidder.

Legal Terms & Conditions
1. Any objections by the participating bidders on the technical bid evaluation or Commercial bid evaluation / disqualification made by the tender inviting authority shall be made within 2 days time from the date of opening of price bid and proper acknowledgement shall be obtained invariably. The representation / petition received after the specified time and date shall not be entertained. 2. The successful bidders (L1) shall sign the Agreement with in stipulated time from the allotment of tender work through online and there will be no separate intimation provided to the L1 bidders.

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 28/06/2024 12:30 PM
2 Commercial Stage 01/07/2024 12:30 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A