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Tender ID 525499 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number Short NIT No.07/SE(M)/SBZ/GHMC/2024-25, Date:04.07.2024 (Item No.9)
Name of Work Construction of RCC drain by dismantling of existing RR drain from Bhavani Nagar to Anna Nagar in ward no 145, Seethaphalmandi, Secunderabad Circle-29, GHMC. (9th call) Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 43809674.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 11/07/2024 01:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 525499 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number Short NIT No.07/SE(M)/SBZ/GHMC/2024-25, Date:04.07.2024 (Item No.9)
Name of Project Construction of RCC drain Name of Work Construction of RCC drain by dismantling of existing RR drain from Bhavani Nagar to Anna Nagar in ward no 145, Seethaphalmandi, Secunderabad Circle-29, GHMC. (9th call)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 9
Type of Work Similar Work Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 9
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
11800 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 05/07/2024 01:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 11/07/2024 01:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Superintending Engineer, SBZ, GHMC Bid Opening Authority Superintending Engineer, SBZ, GHMC
Address Opp. City Civil Court, West Marredpally, Secunderabad. Contact Details 9989930374
Email sesbz.ghmc@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.438097.00 The Commissioner, GHMC Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Class of Registration: Appropriate class of registration as per existing GOs COMMON Mandatory
2 Details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand and works for which tenders are submitted in statement - IV with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
3 Availability of key personnel in statement-VI COMMON Mandatory
4 GST registration. COMMON Mandatory
5 PAN card, Latest IT Returns COMMON Mandatory
6 Annual Turnover Certificate certified by the Chartered Account COMMON Mandatory
7 1% EMD of Rs. 4,38,097/- in the form of Online payment/BG in favour of the Commissioner, GHMC taken on or after the tender notice. In case of BG, shall be valid for six months from bid submission closing date as prescribed in the standard format issued by any Scheduled / Nationalized Bank. COMMON Mandatory
8 (a) The bidder should give a declaration on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- that he/she is having own/leased of the required equipment/machinery on critical equipment in statement V. COMMON Mandatory
9 (b) The bidder who stand first lowest in the bid shall have to submit the MoU as per the following before entering into agreement without fail: (i) In case of bidder owns a RMC plant, a self declaration of MoU on Rs.100/- stamp paper as per prescribed proforma. COMMON Mandatory
10 (ii) In case of bidder doesn't owns/lease a RMC plant, an MoU with RMC plant owner/firm on Rs.100/- stamp paper as per the prescribed proforma. COMMON Mandatory
11 (c) The RMC plant shall have valid QCI certificate with regular audits carried as per the norms. However, in case of new RMC plants, if the application is made for QCI certificate within 6 months from the date of NIT, the MoU shall be valid. COMMON Mandatory
12 Proof of Liquid Assets / Credit facilities / Solvency Certificates not less than Rs.73.02 Lakhs from Nationalized Banks / Scheduled Commercial Banks. COMMON Mandatory
13 Assessed available Bid Capacity as per formula (3AN-B) should be greater than Rs.219.05 Lakhs COMMON Mandatory
14 Quantities of works executed in (a) RCC/VRCC/RMC M20 and above (individual or combined quantity) & (b) HYSD/TMT/TOR Steel bars individual or combined quantity (in the same name) in any one financial year during the last ten financial years from 2014-15 to 2023-24 in statement - III with supporting certificates COMMON Mandatory
15 The bidder, as a prime contractor, should have satisfactorily completed similar nature of works i.e., "RCC box drains / RCC open drains / RCC retaining wall" individual or combined values of value not less than Rs. 146.03 Lakhs at the current price level in any one financial year during the last 10 financial years i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24 COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
As per Tender Conditions

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
As per Tender Conditions

Legal Terms & Conditions
As per Tender Conditions

Geographical Particulars
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Procedure for Bid Submission
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Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 11/07/2024 01:01 PM
2 Commercial Stage 11/07/2024 01:08 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Work Done as a Prime Contractor Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Similar Work Details Standard Yes No TD
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A