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Tender ID 525530 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 01/2024-25/A3, Dt:05.07.2024
Name of Work Construction of NIC( Nature interpretation centre) at Neeladri Urban Park, Sathupally beat Sathupally Range of Sathupally Division during the Year 2024-25 under BIOSOT Scheme Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 4733222.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 15/07/2024 04:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Department Name TG FOREST DEPARTMENT Circle/Division TG FOREST DEPARTMENT-Conservator of Forest, Khammam
Tender ID 525530 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 01/2024-25/A3, Dt:05.07.2024
Name of Project Construction of Nature Interpretation Centre (NIC) at Neeladri Urban Park Sathupally under BIOSOT Name of Work Construction of NIC( Nature interpretation centre) at Neeladri Urban Park, Sathupally beat Sathupally Range of Sathupally Division during the Year 2024-25 under BIOSOT Scheme
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
1676 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 05/07/2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 15/07/2024 04:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids FOREST DIVISIONAL OFFICER, Sathupally Bid Opening Authority FOREST DIVISIONAL OFFICER, Sathupally
Email fdosathupally@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.47332.00 Forest Divisional Officer, Sathupally Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certificate/Work Order COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD COMMON Mandatory
3 Transaction Fee COMMON Mandatory
4 Income Tax Document, Pan card, Latest ITR COMMON Mandatory
5 Technical Agent Certificate with consent letter should be Uploaded at the time of tender process along with qualification certificates for technical agents COMMON Mandatory
6 GST Registration / GST Clearance Certificate COMMON Mandatory
7 Experience certificate should be enclosed for the similar work COMMON Mandatory
8 Corpus fund payment copy COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS A ? GENERAL Name of work Construction of NIC( Nature interpretation centre) at Neeladri Urban Park, Sathupally beat Sathupally Range of Sathupally Division during the Year 2024-25 under BIOSOT Scheme.. [As specified in ??????????????????????the NIT] ??????????????????????????? 1.1 The Forest Divisional Officer(As specified in NIT) concerned invites bids for the above work during the period, for which dates and time specified in the NIT and will be opened by the District Forest Officer concerned or his nominee at his office on the date and time mentioned in the NIT. 1.2 The intending bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the ?e?procurement market place at https://tender.telangana.gov.in/. 1.3 The tenders should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Forest Divisional Officer, Sathupally/District Forest Officer, Khammam(As specified in NIT) that can be downloaded at free of cost from the website https://tender.telangana.gov.in/. 1.4 The dates stipulated in the tender notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended. 1.5 The Tenderer should upload scanned copies of registration and other documents and submit originals of EMD by way of DD and copies of all uploaded documents before prescribed date to the tender inviting authority. Contractor should produce the originals of all documents for verification if asked for by the Competent Authority. 1.6 The Tender opening Authority will not consider any tender received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in NIT) for receipt of tenders. 1.7 Tenderers shall furnish declaration that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Erstwhile Andhrapradesh andTelangana State. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the tenders so received will be rejected. 1.8 The successful tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the NIT. 2. Firms Eligible to Tender: 2.1 The Firms who i) possess the valid registration in the class and category mentioned in the NIT and satisfy all the conditions therein. ii) are not blacklisted or debarred or suspended by the Government for whatever the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in the contracting business iii) have complied with the eligibility criteria specified in the NIT. are the eligible tenderers. 2.2 Firms Ineligible to Tender: i) A retired officer of the Govt. of erstwhile AP& Telangana or Govt. of India executing works is disqualified from tendering for a period of two years from the date of retirement without the prior permission of the Government. ii) The Tenderer who has employed any retired officer as mentioned above shall be considered as an ineligible tenderer. iii) The contractor himself or any of his employees is found to be Gazetted Officer who retired from Government Service and had not obtained permission from the Government for accepting the contractor?s employment within a period of 2 years from the date of his retirement. iv) The Contractor or any of his employees is found at any time after award of contract, to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the Contractor?s service. v) Contractor shall not be eligible to tender for works in the division / circle where any of his near relatives are employed in the rank of Forest Range Officer, Forest Divisional Officer or District Forest Officers and above on the Forest side and Divisional Accounts Officer and above on the administrative side. The Contractor shall intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed. He shall also furnish a list of Gazetted /Non-Gazetted, State Government Employees related to him. Failure to furnish such information tenderer is liable to be removed from the list of approved contractors and his contract is liable for cancellation. Note: Near relatives include 1. Sons, step sons, daughters, and step daughters. 2. Son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. 3. Brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. 4. Brothers and Sisters. 5. Father and Mother. 6. Wife / Husband. 7. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law 8. Nephews, nieces, uncle and aunties 9. Cousins and 10. Any person residing with or dependent on the contractor. 3. Qualification data of the Tenderers 3.1 The tenderer shall furnish the following particulars in the formats provided online and supported documentary evidence shall be uploaded. a) Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm, Registration as Civil Contractor, Partnership deed, Articles of Association. Note: The Partnership firms, which are registered as Contractors shall intimate the change in partnership deed, if any, as per GO Ms No.58, I & CAD, dt.23.4.2002 within one month of such change. Failure to notify the change to the registration authority in time will entail the firms to forfeit their registration and their tender will be rejected. The intimation of change of partners if any and the acceptance by the Registration authority may be enclosed. 3.2 Even though the tenderers meet the above qualifying criteria, they are liable to be disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted if they have ? Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and /annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and/or ? Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon. ? record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc. and/or ? participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably high tender percentage and ? even while execution of the work, if found that the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience, the Contractor will be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS. 3.3 For tendersupto25% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required. But for tenders less than 25% of the estimated Contract Value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and 75% of the estimated contract value, shall be paid by the successful tenderer at the time of concluding agreement as an additional security to fulfill the contract through a Demand Draft on a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled bank in the prescribed format valid till completion of the work in all respects 3.4 a) If the percentage quoted by a tenderer is found to be either abnormally high or with in the permissible ceiling limits prescribed but under collusion or due to unethical practices adopted at the time of tendering process, such tenders shall be rejected. b) A tenderer submitting a Tender which the tender accepting authority considers excessive and or indicative of insufficient knowledge of current prices or definite attempt of profiteering will render himself liable to be debarred permanently from tendering or for such period as the tender accepting authority may decide. The tenderer overall percentage should be based on the controlled prices for the materials, if any, fixed by the Government or the reasonable prices permissible for the tenderer to charge a private purchaser under the provisions of clause-6 of the hoarding and profiteering prevention ordinance of 1943 as amended from time to time and on similar principle in regard to labour supervision on the construction. 4. One Tender per Tenderer: 4.1 Each Tenderer shall submit only one Tender for the work. A Tenderer who submits more than one Tender will cause dis-qualification of all the Tenders submitted by the Tenderer. 5. Cost of Tendering 5.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Tender and the tender inviting authority will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs. 6. Site Visit. 6.1 The Tenderer, at the Tenderer?s own responsibility and risk is advised to visit and examine the Site of Work and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender for entering into a contract, for construction of the work. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Tenderer?s own expense. B. TENDER DOCUMENT 7. Contents of Tender document. 7.1 One set of Tender document, comprises of the following: Technical bid 1) Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) 2) Instruction to Tenderers 3) Forms of Tender and qualification information 4) Conditions of Contract. 5) Specifications. 6) Drawings. 7) Forms of Securities. i.e., EMD, Additional Security etc. Price bid Bill of Quantities and Price bid. 8. Clarification on Tender Documents 8.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification on Tender documents may contact the Tender Inviting Officer at the address indicated in the NIT. The Tender Inviting Officer will also respond to any request for clarification, received through post. 9. Amendment to Tender Documents 9.1 Before the last date for submission of Tenders, the Tender Inviting Officer may modify any of the Contents of the Tender Notice, Tender documents by issuing amendment / Addendum. 9.2 Any addendum/amendments issued by the Tender Inviting Officer shall be part of the Tender Document and it shall either be communicated in writing to all the purchasers of the Tender documents or notified in the News Papers in which NIT was published. 9.3 To give prospective Tenderers reasonable time to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids, the Tender Inviting Officer may extend if necessary, the last date for submission of tenders. C. PREPARATION OF TENDERS. 10. Language of the Tender. 10.1 All documents relating to the tender shall be in the English Language only. 11. Documents comprising of the Tender. 11.1 The tender comprise the following. (a) Technical Bid, and drawings. [Both are available online at https://tender.telangana.gov.in/ ]. (b) Qualification information and supporting documents [to be uploaded by the tenderer]. (c) Price bid containing bill of quantities (Schedule ?A) and the Bid offer. [both are available online at https://tender.telangana.gov.in/ ]. 12. Bid Offer: 12.1 Bill of Quantities called Schedule ?A? and the bid offer accompanies the tender document as Volume-II. It shall be explicitly understood that the Tender Inviting Officer does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of this schedule ?A? and this schedule ?A? is liable to alterations by omissions, deductions or additions at the discretion of the ChiefConservator of Forests or as set forth in the conditions of the contract. The Schedule ?A?shall contain the items of work indicated as part? I and LS provisions as part?II. The percentage quoted by the contractor shall be applicable only to part ?I. However, the provisions contained in the part ?II will be operable basing on the conditions provided in the Tender Document. The tenderers will have to state clearly their willingness to execute the work at certain specific percentage of excess or less or at par of the ECV indicated in Part-I at the space provided therein in Schedule ?A?. The L.S. amounts indicated in part-II are maximum reimbursable amounts. The tenderer should however quote his lumpsum tender based on this schedule of quantities. He should quote his offer as a overall tender percentage. The overall tender percentage should be written both in words and figures. The bid offers i.e., percentage shall be written both in figures and words legibly and free from errors. 12.2 The Schedule ?A (or Price-bid) contains not only the quantities but also the rates worked out by the Department and the amount for each item and total value of the estimated contract. The tenderer should workout his own rates keeping in view the work, site conditions and quote his overall tender percentage with which he intends to execute the work. 12.3 The bid offer shall be for the whole work and not for individual items / part of the work. 12.4 The tendered contract amount as computed based on overall tender percentage is subject to variation during the performance of the Contract in accordance with variation in quantities etc. 13. Validity of Tenders: 13.1 Tenders shall remain valid for a period of not less than three months from the last date for receipt of Tender specified in NIT. 13.2 During the above mentioned period no plea by the tenderer for any sort of modification of the tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding of misconceptions or mistake or for any reason will be entertained. 13.3 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Tender Inviting Officer may request the bidders to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. Such request to the Tenderers shall be made in writing. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his E.M.D. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his Tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his E.M.D. for a period of the extension. 14. Earnest Money Deposit 14.1 The Tenderer shall furnish, Earnest Money Deposit equivalent to 1% of ECV along with the tender. (As specified in NIT). The balance EMD @ 1�% of ECV / TCV whichever is higher shall be paid at the time of concluding Agreement by the successful Tenderer. This EMD can be in the form of : a) a bank demand draft on any scheduled bank / Nationalized bank. 14.2 The earnest money deposited by the successful tenderer will not carry any interest and it will be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in the tender. The E.M.D. shall be forfeited. (a) if the Tenderer withdraws the Tender during the validity period of Tender. (b) In the case of a successful tenderer, if he fails to sign the Agreement for whatever the reason. D. SUBMISSION OF TENDERS. 15. Submission of Tenders: 15.1.The bidder shall submit his response through Bid submission to the tender on eProcurement platform at www.eprocurement.telangana.gov.in by following the procedure given below. The bidder would be required to register on the e-procurement market place https://tender.telangana.gov.in and submit their bids online. Offline bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published in e-procurement platform. 2.The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in eProcurement web site. The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids and other certificate/documents in the eProcurement web site. The bidder shall sign on the statem

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
QUALIFICATION INFORMATION QUALIFICATION INFORMATION Annexure ?I CHECKLIST TO ACOMPANY THE TENDER S.No Description Submitted Page No. (see Note below) 1 2 3 4 1 Registration Certificate Yes / No 2 EMD Yes / No 3 Transaction Fee Yes / No 4 Income Tax Document, Pan card, Latest ITR Yes / No 5 Technical Agent Certificate with consent letter should be Uploaded at the time of tender process along with qualification certificates for technical agents Yes / No 6 GST Registration / GST Clearance Certificate Yes / No 7 Experience certificate should be enclosed for the similar work Yes / No 8 Corpus fund payment copy Yes/No Notes:- 1. All the statements copies of the certificates, documents etc., shall be given page numbers on the right corner of each certificate, which will be indicated in column (4) against each item. The statements furnished shall be in the formats appended to the tender document. 2) The information shall be filled-in by the Tenderer in the checklist and statements I to VII, for the purposes of verification as well as evaluation of the tenderer?s Compliance to the qualification criteria as provided in the Tender document. DECLARATION I / WE ????????????????????????. have gone through carefully all the Tender conditions and solemnly declare that I / we will abide by any penal action such as disqualification or black listing or determination of contract or any other action deemed fit, taken by, the Department against us, if it is found that the statements, documents, certificates produced by us are false / fabricated. I / WE hereby declare that, I / We have not been blacklisted / debarred / Suspended / demoted in any department in Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh& Telangana or in any State due to any reasons. Signature of the Tenderer ? STATEMENT ? I. Availability of Key Personnel Qualification and experience of Key Personnel proposed to be deployed for execution of the Contract. Sl. No Name Designation Qualification Total Experience Working with the Tenderer since. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Signature of the Tenderer ? CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TENDER Covering Letter [To be submitted along with Original EMD] Date: ????? To TheForest Divisional Officer, Sathupally Division, Sathupally. Sir, I / We do hereby tender and if this tender be accepted, under take to execute the following work viz Construction of NIC Neeladri Urban Park Sathupally beat of Sathupally Range of Sathupally Division during 2024-25 under BIOSOT Scheme. . as shown in the drawings and described in the specifications deposited in the office of the CCF, Bhadradri Circle, Warangal with such variations by way of alterations or additions to, and omissions from the said works and method of payment as provided for in the ?conditions of the contract? for the sum of Rupees ?????????????????????????????????????. ????????????????????????? or such other sum as may be arrived under the clause of the standard preliminary specifications relating to ?Payment on lump-sum basis or by final measurement at unit rates? I/WE have also quoted percentage excess or less on E.C.V., in Schedule ?A? Part-I, annexed (in words and figures) for which I/We agree to execute the work when the lumpsum payment under the terms of the agreement is varied by payment on measurement quantities. I/WE have quoted Percentage excess or less on E.C.V., in Schedule ?A? Part ? I both in words & figures. In case of any discrepancy between the Percentage excess or less on E.C.V., in words and figures, the rates quoted words only shall prevail. I/WE agreed to keep the offer in this tender valid a period of Three month(s) mentioned in the tender notice and not to modify the whole or any part of it for any reason within above period. If the tender is withdrawn by me/us for any reasons whatsoever, the earnest money paid by me/us will be forfeited to Government I/WE hereby distinctly and expressly, declare and acknowledge that, before the submission of my/our tender I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the tender notice and have read the A.P.S.S. and the preliminary specifications therein and the A.P.S.S. addenda volume and that I/We have made such examination of the contract documents and the plans, specifications and quantities and of the location where the said work is to be done, and such investigation of the work required to be done, and in regard to the material required to be furnished as to enable me/us to thoroughly understand the intention of same and the requirements, covenants, agreements, stipulations and restrictions contained in the contract, and in the said plans and specifications and distinctly agree that I/We will not hereafter make any claim or demand upon the Government/Municipal based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception /or mistake on my/or our part of the said requirement, covenants, agreements, stipulations, restrictions and conditions. I/Weenclosed to my/our application for tender a crossed demand draft (No????????????????????????????..dated:???????..) for Rs??????????????????..as earnest money not to bear interest. I/WE shall not assign the contractor or sublet any portion of the same. In case if it becomes necessary such subletting with the permission of the FDO, Sathupally/District Forest Officer/ tender inviting authority shall be limited to (1) Labour contract, (2) Material contract, (3) Transport contract and (4) Engaging specialists for special item of work enjoined in A.P.S.S. IF MY/OUR tender is not accepted the sum shall be returned to me/us on application when intimation is sent to me/us of rejection or at the expiration of three months from last date of receipt of this tender, whichever is earlier.If my/our tender is accepted the earnest money shall be retained by the Government/Forest Departments security for the due fulfillment of this contract. If upon written intimation to me/us by the tender inviting authority Office, I/We fail to attend the said office on the date herein fixed or if upon intimation being given to me/us by the Superintending /Forest DivisionalOfficer or acceptance of my/our tender, and if I/We fail to make the additional security deposit or to enter into the required agreement as defined in condition-3 of the tender notice, then I/We agree the forfeiture of the earnest money. Any notice required to be served on me/us here under shall be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us hereunder shall be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us personally or forwarded to me/us by post to (registered or ordinary) or left at my/our address given herein. Such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been served on me/us at the time wherein due course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it is sent. I/WE fully understand that the written agreement to be entered into between me/us and Government/Forest Department shall be the foundation of the rights of the both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the agreement has first been signed by me/us and then by the proper officer authorised to enter into contract on behalf of Government. I/WE agree to pay the e procurement corpus fund at0.04% on Estimated Contract value of the work through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of APTS, Khammam/ Kothagudemat the time of conclusion of Agreement. I AM/WE ARE professionally qualified an my/our qualifications are given below: Name Qualified I/WE will employ the following technical staff for supervising the work and will see that one of them is always at site during working hours, personally checking all items of works and paint extra attention to such works as required special attention (eg) Reinforced concrete work. Name of members of technical staff proposed to be employed Qualification. I / WE declare that I/WE agree to recover the salaries of the technical staff actually engaged on the work by the department, from the work bills, if I/We fail to employ technical staff as per the tender condition. TENDERERS / CONTRACTOR?S CERTIFICATE. (1) I/WE hereby declare that I/We have perused in detail and examined closely the Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications, all clauses of the preliminary specifications with all amendments and have either examined all the standards specifications or will examine all the standard specifications for items for which I/We tender, before I/We submit such tender and agree to be bound and comply with all such specifications for this agreement which I/We execute in the Forest Department. (2) I/WE certify that I/We have inspected the site of the work before quoting my Percentage excess or less on ECV, I /We have satisfied about the quality, availability and transport facilities for stones sand and other materials. (3) I/WE am/are prepared to furnish detailed data in support of all my quoted rates, if and when called upon to do so without any reservations. (4) I/WE hereby declare that I/We will pay an additional security deposit in terms of conditions, the difference between 75% of ECV and my/out tender amount, in case if my / our offer is less than (-)25%. (5) I/WE hereby declare that I am/we are accepting to reject my tender in terms of condition, if my /our offer is more than 5% of ECV. (6) I/WE hereby declare that I (7) I/WE hereby declare that I am/we are accepting for the defect liability period as 24 months (After completion of work)instead of 6; months under clause 28 of APSS. (8) a) I/WE declare that I/WE will procure the required construction materials including earth and use for the work after approval of the FDO, Sathupally / District Forest Officer. The responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrowing or exploitation in any other way shall rest with me/us for the materials for construction, I/WE shall ensure smooth and un-interrupted supply of materials. b) I/WE declare that the responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for disposal of spoil/soil not useful for construction purposes shall rest with me/us. c) I/WE declare that I/WE shall not claim any compensation or any payment for the land so arranged for disposal of soil and the land for borrow area. My/our quoted percentage excess or less ECV., are inclusive of the land so arranged and I/We will hand over the land so arranged for disposal of soil to; the department after completion of work. (9) I/WE declare that I/WE will abide for settlement of disputes as per the tender conditions. DECLARATION OF THE TENDERER. 1) I/WE have not been black listed in any department in Andhra Pradesh due to any reasons. 2) I/WE have not been demoted to the next lower category for not filing the tenders after buying the tender schedules in a whole year and my/our registration has not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years. 3) I/WE agree to disqualify me/us for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and to summarily reject my/our tender. Address of the Tenderer : Phone No.: Fax No.: CONTRACTOR. ? CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT A. GENERAL 1. Interpretation: 1.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means female, and vice-versa. Headings have no significance. Works have their normal meaning under the language of the contract unless specifically defined. The Forest Range Officer-in-charge will provide instructions clarifying queries about the conditions of Contract. 1.2 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority: 1) Agreement 2) Letter of Acceptance, notice to proceed with the works 3) Contractor?s Tender (Technical bid) 4) Conditions of contract 5) Specifications 6) Drawings 7) Bill of quantities (Price-bid) 8) Any other document listed as forming part of the Contract. 2. District Forest Officer?s Decisions: 2.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the FDO, Sathupally / District Forest Officer will decide the contractual matters between the Department and the Contractor in the role representing the Department. 3. Delegation: 3.1 The District Forest Officer may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other officers and may cancel any delegation by an official order issued. 4. Communications: 6.1 Communications between parties, which are referred to in the conditions, are effective only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of Indian Contract Act) 5. Other Contractors: 8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, Public authorities, utilities, and the Department. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services for them as directed by the FDO, Sathupally/District Forest Officer. 6. Personnel: 6.1 The Contractor shall employ the required Key Personnel named in the Schedule of Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule or other personnel approved by the FDO, Sathupally / District Forest Officer. The FDO, Sathupally / District Forest Officer will approve any proposed replacement of Key Personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and relevant experience are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel listed in the Schedule. 6.2 Failure to employ the required technical personnel by the contractor the following amounts will be recovered from the contractor over and above the provision made in part two of schedule-A from the contractors bills. 6.3 The technical personnel should be on full time and available at site whenever required by FDO, Sathupally /District Forest Officer to take instructions. 6.4 The names of the technical personnel to be employed by the contractor should be furnished in the statement enclosed separately. 6.5 In case the contractor is already having more than one work on hand and has undertaken more than one work at the same time, he should employ separate technical personnel on each work. 6.6 If the contractor fails to employ technical personnel the work will be suspended or department will engage a technical personnel and recover the cost thereof from the contractor. 6.7 If the FDO, Sathupally /District Forest Officer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of Contractor?s staff or his work force stating the reasons the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the site forthwith and has no further connection with the work in the contract. 7. Contractor?s Risks: 7.1 All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personnel injury and death, which arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract, are the responsibility of the Contractor. 8. Insurance: 8.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Department and the contractor, insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period i.e., 24 months after completion for the following events which are due to the Contractor?s risks. a) loss

Legal Terms & Conditions
Any dispute arises out of the contract, it shall be settled within in the territorial jurisdiction of Khammam District only

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
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S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 15/07/2024 04:30 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A