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Tender ID 527304 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/495/VMD/CDP/2022-23
Name of Work Construction of RO Plant at 15th ward at Vemualwada Town under CD 2022-23 Grants Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 227906.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 16/07/2024 05:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 527304 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/495/VMD/CDP/2022-23
Name of Project Construction of RO Plant at 15th ward at Vemualwada Town under CD 2022-23 Grants Name of Work Construction of RO Plant at 15th ward at Vemualwada Town under CD 2022-23 Grants
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 1
Type of Work Other Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
81 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 08/07/2024 06:30 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 16/07/2024 05:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Commissioner, Vemualwada Municipality Bid Opening Authority Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality
Address Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality Contact Details 7036684716
Email commissionervmd@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.2279.00 Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality Exempted,Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Copy of PAN card and Latest IT Returns COMMON Mandatory
2 Copy of GST registration with Government of Telangana and latest GST Returns COMMON Mandatory
3 Copy of Demand Draft towards EMD drawn in favour of Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality drawn on or after the Date of Tender Notice COMMON Mandatory
4 Self declaration by self attestation on stamp paper Rs. 100/- Regarding genuineness of uploaded documents (in case of discrepancy in address in various documents) COMMON Mandatory
5 Any other mandatory stipulation/ required documents COMMON Mandatory
6 The water purification company/firm should be ISO certified for quality management system COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Details: 1. Department Name : MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBON DEVELOPMENT 2. Circle / Name : Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality 3. Tender Notice Number : E1/495/VMD/CDP/2022-23/2nd Call 4. Name of Work : Construction of RO Plant at 15th Ward at Vemulawada Town under CDP 2022-23, 2nd Call 5. Estimate Contract Value : Rs 2,27,906.00 6. Period of Completion : (3) Months 7. Form of Contract : Lumpsum 8. Bidding Type : Open 9. Bid Call : 2nd Call 10. Type of Quotation : Percentage Transaction Fee Details: 11. Transaction fee details : Rs. Transaction fee payable to M/s TSTS, Telangana Hyderabad Amount Details: 12. Bid Processing Fee : Not Applicable 13. Bid Processing fee payable to : Not Applicable 14. Sale Tax (%) : 0% 15. Sale Tax payable to : Not Applicable 16. Bid Security : Rs. 2280.00 at 1% of ECV 17. Bid Security DD drawn in favor of : Tender dates: 18. Bid document uploading Start Date : 08-07-2024 19. Bid document uploading end Date : 15-07-2024 04.30 PM 20. Pre Bid meeting : No meeting Last date & time for receipt of Bids : COMMISSIONER 21. Bid Validity Period : 90 days 22. Price Bid opening date : 15-07-2024 04.45 PM onwards Other Details: 23. Officer inviting bids : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 24. Bid Opening Authority : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 25. Address : Vemulawada 26. Contract details : 8008578959 Geographical Particulars : Vemulawada, Rajanna sircilla dist, Telangana General Terms and Conditions : 1. Bids are invited on the e-procurement for the above mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Telangana /Erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Telangana i.e. www.e-procurement.gov.in. 2. Approximate Estimate Contract Value of work Rs. Rs 2,27,906.00 3. Form of Contract ? Lumpsum 4. Period of Completion ? (3) Months 5. EMD to be paid through electronic payment Gateway mode for Rs.2280.00.e 1% of ECV) from any Government Owned Public Sector or any Scheduled Commercial Bank along with bids. 6. The participating bidder should pay non ? refundable Transaction fee for Rs. - (at 0.03% of ECV + 18% Service Tax) to T.S.T.S (Telangana) Hyderabad through electronic gate way as per G.O.MS No.13 Dt: 05-07-2006 have issued the changes for payment of Transaction Fee that ?The bidder shall mandatory pay the transaction fee to T.S.T.S (Talangana) Hyderabad through the electronic payment Gateway? 7. The Successful bidder shall pay (at 0.04% of ECV) in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Managing Director, TSTS(Telangana) towards Corpus fund and same should submit at the time of concluding the Agreement. 8. The bidders can view / down load the tender documents from the ?e? market place. 9. The Tenders with an excess premium of more than 5% of the estimated contract value shall be summarily rejected. 10. All other relevant conditions are incorporated in the tender document. Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be altered unless other wise extended by an official notification or happen to be a Public Holiday. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER Eligibility Criteria regarding Class of Contractor Registration. The Registration shall be as per the following GO?s 1) G.O MS.No. 94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dt: 01-07-2003. 2) G.O MS.No. 130, I&CAD (PW-Reforms) Dept, Dt: 22-05-2007. 3) G.O MS.No. 66, I&CAD (Reforms)) Dept, Dt: 20-04-2015. Financial Requirement: a) Assessed available Bid capacity as per formula (2AN-B) should be greater than or equal to the estimate contract value of Rs 2,27,906.00 A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in its name in any one financial year during the last Ten financial years (updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. B= Updated value (at current price level) of all existing Commitments i.e. ongoing works, works likely to be awarded to be executed during the period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. Annual turnover cost of completed works and balance works on had etc. shall be updated by giving weight age of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 1) The bidder should produce liquid assets / credit facilities / Solvency certificates from any Indian Nationalized / Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs 2,27,906.00 Copy of Contractor/ Society having valid registration certificate in civil in appropriate class. 2) Copy of EMD in favour of Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality drawn on or after the Date of Tender Notice. 3) Copy of PAN card and Latest IT Returns. 4) Copy of GST registration with Government of Telangana and latest GST Returns 5) Self declaration by self attestation on stamp paper Rs. 100/- Regarding genuineness of uploaded documents (in case of discrepancy in address in various documents) 6) Any other mandatory stipulation/ required documents 35. The bidder is subjected to be black-listed and his EMD shall be forfeited, if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of qualification and other qualification criteria. 36. Even while execution of the work, if it is found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience, he will be blacklisted, and contract will be terminated, and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60(a) of PS to APSS. 37. Any further information can be obtained from the Office of the Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Details: 1. Department Name : MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBON DEVELOPMENT 2. Circle / Name : Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality 3. Tender Notice Number : E1/495/VMD/CDP/2022-23/2nd Call 4. Name of Work : Construction of RO Plant at 15th Ward at Vemulawada Town under CDP 2022-23, 2nd Call 5. Estimate Contract Value : Rs 2,27,906.00 6. Period of Completion : (3) Months 7. Form of Contract : Lumpsum 8. Bidding Type : Open 9. Bid Call : 2nd Call 10. Type of Quotation : Percentage Transaction Fee Details: 11. Transaction fee details : Rs. Transaction fee payable to M/s TSTS, Telangana Hyderabad Amount Details: 12. Bid Processing Fee : Not Applicable 13. Bid Processing fee payable to : Not Applicable 14. Sale Tax (%) : 0% 15. Sale Tax payable to : Not Applicable 16. Bid Security : Rs. 2280.00 at 1% of ECV 17. Bid Security DD drawn in favor of : Tender dates: 18. Bid document uploading Start Date : 08-07-2024 19. Bid document uploading end Date : 15-07-2024 04.30 PM 20. Pre Bid meeting : No meeting Last date & time for receipt of Bids : COMMISSIONER 21. Bid Validity Period : 90 days 22. Price Bid opening date : 15-07-2024 04.45 PM onwards Other Details: 23. Officer inviting bids : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 24. Bid Opening Authority : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 25. Address : Vemulawada 26. Contract details : 8008578959 Geographical Particulars : Vemulawada, Rajanna sircilla dist, Telangana General Terms and Conditions : 1. Bids are invited on the e-procurement for the above mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Telangana /Erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Telangana i.e. www.e-procurement.gov.in. 2. Approximate Estimate Contract Value of work Rs. Rs 2,27,906.00 3. Form of Contract ? Lumpsum 4. Period of Completion ? (3) Months 5. EMD to be paid through electronic payment Gateway mode for Rs.2280.00.e 1% of ECV) from any Government Owned Public Sector or any Scheduled Commercial Bank along with bids. 6. The participating bidder should pay non ? refundable Transaction fee for Rs. - (at 0.03% of ECV + 18% Service Tax) to T.S.T.S (Telangana) Hyderabad through electronic gate way as per G.O.MS No.13 Dt: 05-07-2006 have issued the changes for payment of Transaction Fee that ?The bidder shall mandatory pay the transaction fee to T.S.T.S (Talangana) Hyderabad through the electronic payment Gateway? 7. The Successful bidder shall pay (at 0.04% of ECV) in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Managing Director, TSTS(Telangana) towards Corpus fund and same should submit at the time of concluding the Agreement. 8. The bidders can view / down load the tender documents from the ?e? market place. 9. The Tenders with an excess premium of more than 5% of the estimated contract value shall be summarily rejected. 10. All other relevant conditions are incorporated in the tender document. Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be altered unless other wise extended by an official notification or happen to be a Public Holiday. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER Eligibility Criteria regarding Class of Contractor Registration. The Registration shall be as per the following GO?s 1) G.O MS.No. 94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dt: 01-07-2003. 2) G.O MS.No. 130, I&CAD (PW-Reforms) Dept, Dt: 22-05-2007. 3) G.O MS.No. 66, I&CAD (Reforms)) Dept, Dt: 20-04-2015. Financial Requirement: a) Assessed available Bid capacity as per formula (2AN-B) should be greater than or equal to the estimate contract value of Rs 2,27,906.00 A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in its name in any one financial year during the last Ten financial years (updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. B= Updated value (at current price level) of all existing Commitments i.e. ongoing works, works likely to be awarded to be executed during the period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. Annual turnover cost of completed works and balance works on had etc. shall be updated by giving weight age of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 1) The bidder should produce liquid assets / credit facilities / Solvency certificates from any Indian Nationalized / Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs 2,27,906.00 Copy of Contractor/ Society having valid registration certificate in civil in appropriate class. 2) Copy of EMD in favour of Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality drawn on or after the Date of Tender Notice. 3) Copy of PAN card and Latest IT Returns. 4) Copy of GST registration with Government of Telangana and latest GST Returns 5) Self declaration by self attestation on stamp paper Rs. 100/- Regarding genuineness of uploaded documents (in case of discrepancy in address in various documents) 6) Any other mandatory stipulation/ required documents 35. The bidder is subjected to be black-listed and his EMD shall be forfeited, if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of qualification and other qualification criteria. 36. Even while execution of the work, if it is found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience, he will be blacklisted, and contract will be terminated, and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60(a) of PS to APSS. 37. Any further information can be obtained from the Office of the Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER

Legal Terms & Conditions
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Details: 1. Department Name : MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBON DEVELOPMENT 2. Circle / Name : Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality 3. Tender Notice Number : E1/495/VMD/CDP/2022-23/2nd Call 4. Name of Work : Construction of RO Plant at 15th Ward at Vemulawada Town under CDP 2022-23, 2nd Call 5. Estimate Contract Value : Rs 2,27,906.00 6. Period of Completion : (3) Months 7. Form of Contract : Lumpsum 8. Bidding Type : Open 9. Bid Call : 2nd Call 10. Type of Quotation : Percentage Transaction Fee Details: 11. Transaction fee details : Rs. Transaction fee payable to M/s TSTS, Telangana Hyderabad Amount Details: 12. Bid Processing Fee : Not Applicable 13. Bid Processing fee payable to : Not Applicable 14. Sale Tax (%) : 0% 15. Sale Tax payable to : Not Applicable 16. Bid Security : Rs. 2280.00 at 1% of ECV 17. Bid Security DD drawn in favor of : Tender dates: 18. Bid document uploading Start Date : 08-07-2024 19. Bid document uploading end Date : 15-07-2024 04.30 PM 20. Pre Bid meeting : No meeting Last date & time for receipt of Bids : COMMISSIONER 21. Bid Validity Period : 90 days 22. Price Bid opening date : 15-07-2024 04.45 PM onwards Other Details: 23. Officer inviting bids : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 24. Bid Opening Authority : Commissioner, Vemulawada municipality 25. Address : Vemulawada 26. Contract details : 8008578959 Geographical Particulars : Vemulawada, Rajanna sircilla dist, Telangana General Terms and Conditions : 1. Bids are invited on the e-procurement for the above mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Telangana /Erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Telangana i.e. www.e-procurement.gov.in. 2. Approximate Estimate Contract Value of work Rs. Rs 2,27,906.00 3. Form of Contract ? Lumpsum 4. Period of Completion ? (3) Months 5. EMD to be paid through electronic payment Gateway mode for Rs.2280.00.e 1% of ECV) from any Government Owned Public Sector or any Scheduled Commercial Bank along with bids. 6. The participating bidder should pay non ? refundable Transaction fee for Rs. - (at 0.03% of ECV + 18% Service Tax) to T.S.T.S (Telangana) Hyderabad through electronic gate way as per G.O.MS No.13 Dt: 05-07-2006 have issued the changes for payment of Transaction Fee that ?The bidder shall mandatory pay the transaction fee to T.S.T.S (Talangana) Hyderabad through the electronic payment Gateway? 7. The Successful bidder shall pay (at 0.04% of ECV) in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Managing Director, TSTS(Telangana) towards Corpus fund and same should submit at the time of concluding the Agreement. 8. The bidders can view / down load the tender documents from the ?e? market place. 9. The Tenders with an excess premium of more than 5% of the estimated contract value shall be summarily rejected. 10. All other relevant conditions are incorporated in the tender document. Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be altered unless other wise extended by an official notification or happen to be a Public Holiday. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER Eligibility Criteria regarding Class of Contractor Registration. The Registration shall be as per the following GO?s 1) G.O MS.No. 94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dt: 01-07-2003. 2) G.O MS.No. 130, I&CAD (PW-Reforms) Dept, Dt: 22-05-2007. 3) G.O MS.No. 66, I&CAD (Reforms)) Dept, Dt: 20-04-2015. Financial Requirement: a) Assessed available Bid capacity as per formula (2AN-B) should be greater than or equal to the estimate contract value of Rs 2,27,906.00 A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in its name in any one financial year during the last Ten financial years (updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. B= Updated value (at current price level) of all existing Commitments i.e. ongoing works, works likely to be awarded to be executed during the period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. Annual turnover cost of completed works and balance works on had etc. shall be updated by giving weight age of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 1) The bidder should produce liquid assets / credit facilities / Solvency certificates from any Indian Nationalized / Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs 2,27,906.00 Copy of Contractor/ Society having valid registration certificate in civil in appropriate class. 2) Copy of EMD in favour of Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality drawn on or after the Date of Tender Notice. 3) Copy of PAN card and Latest IT Returns. 4) Copy of GST registration with Government of Telangana and latest GST Returns 5) Self declaration by self attestation on stamp paper Rs. 100/- Regarding genuineness of uploaded documents (in case of discrepancy in address in various documents) 6) Any other mandatory stipulation/ required documents 35. The bidder is subjected to be black-listed and his EMD shall be forfeited, if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of qualification and other qualification criteria. 36. Even while execution of the work, if it is found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience, he will be blacklisted, and contract will be terminated, and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60(a) of PS to APSS. 37. Any further information can be obtained from the Office of the Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality. :: CONTRACTOR:: COMMISSIONER

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 16/07/2024 07:30 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A