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Tender ID 532387 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number D1/ Nit,No.11 DPRE Kothagudem
Name of Work Construction of Velugu Community Hall at Yellandu Mandal - Bhadradri-Kothagudem District,Nit. No.11/2024-25, Est Cost: 10.00 Lakhs Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 878523.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 07/08/2024 04:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Department Name PRED - TELANGANA Circle/Division PRED - TELANGANA-Executive Engineer, PRI Division, Kothagudem
Tender ID 532387 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number D1/ Nit,No.11 DPRE Kothagudem
Name of Project Buildings Work Name of Work Construction of Velugu Community Hall at Yellandu Mandal - Bhadradri-Kothagudem District,Nit. No.11/2024-25, Est Cost: 10.00 Lakhs
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 6
Type of Work Buildings Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
311 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 31/07/2024 10:00 AM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 07/08/2024 04:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Address NEAR HEAD POST OFFICE Contact Details 9666269199
Email eeprikgm666@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.8785.00 DISTRICT PR ENGINEER Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certificate EMD 2 ?% 1% on Tender time & 1 ?% agreement time Transaction Fee Payable to APTS Availability of the key technical person with adequate experience as per clause -6 of conditions of contract and as per statement ?I Information of litigation history as per statement -2 Self-Declaration COMMON Mandatory
2 The contractor shall furnish a copy of valid GST Registration Should be enforce at the time of price Bid opening. The Contractor should furnish copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Latest Income Tax returns along with Proof of receipt etc., COMMON Mandatory
3 . Nonrefundable processing fee of Rs. 1000/- is to be paid in favour Of DPRE, PIU Division,Kothagudem through A/C No 52131916132 , SBI, Bank,Kothagudem Branch IFSC Code. SBIN0020160 and Counter file and pay payi slip is to be scanned. COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
S.No Document Name Document Type 1 Registration Certificate Mandatory 2 EMD 2 �% 1% on Tender time & 1 �% agreement time Mandatory 3 Transaction Fee Payable to APTS Mandatory 4 Availability of the key technical person with adequate experience as per clause -6 of conditions of contract and as per statement ?I 5 Information of litigation history as per statement -2 Self-Declaration Mandatory 6 The contractor shall furnish a copy of valid GST Registration Should be enforce at the time of price Bid opening. Mandatory 7 The Contractor should furnish copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Latest Income Tax returns along with Proof of receipt etc., Mandatory 10. Nonrefundable processing fee of Rs. 1000/- is to be paid in favour Of DPRE, PIU Division,Kothagudem through A/C No 52131916132 , SBI, Bank,Kothagudem Branch IFSC Code. SBIN0020160 and Counter file and pay payi slip is to be scanned. Madatory

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
Qualification requirements : To quality for consideration of award of the contract each tenderer should fulfill the following criteria. 1 The details and certificates are to be furnish as per the proforma available in the tender schedules 2 Tenders are invited on the e procurement plotform tenders.telangana.gov.in from the contracrtors/contracting firms eligible as per clause 13.18 registered with the state government for G.O.Ms.No. 94,Dt. 01-07-2003. 3 The contractor shall furnish a copy of valid GST registration with certificate and should be in force at the time price Bid opening. 4 The contractors should furnish the copy of permanent account Number (PAN) 5 Latest income Tax returns along with the proof of receipt etc. 6 Availability of key technical person with adequate experience as per the clause 6 of conditions of contract and as per statement - 1 7 Information of litigation history as per statement to ?II 8 TThe tenderer should submit the particulars preferably in the format specified in the tender schedule alongwith necessary certificates. 9 In case of firms , the copies of firm registration certificate and affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper worth of Rs. 20/- with notary signature should be submitted. To quality for consideration of award of the contract each tenderer should fulfill the following criteria. 1. The details and certificates are to be furnish as per the proforma available in the tender schedules 2. Tenders are invited on the e procurement plotform tenders.telangana.gov.in from the contracrtors/contracting firms eligible as per clause 13.18 registered with the state government for G.O.Ms.No. 94,Dt. 01-07-2003. 3. The contractor shall furnish a copy of valid GST registration with commercial tax department. 4. The contractors should furnish the copy of permanent account Number (PAN) 5. copy of latest income Tax returns along with the proof of receipt etc. 6. Availability of key technical person with adequate experience as per the clause 6 of conditions of contract and as per statement - 1 7. Information of litigation history as per statement to ?II 8. The tenderer should submit the particulars preferably in the format specified in the tender schedule alongwith necessary certificates.

Legal Terms & Conditions
Officer inviting Tenders: Executive Engineer, PRI Division,Kothagudem 1. Tenders are invited on the e procurement plotform tenders.telangana.gov.in from the contracrtors/contracting firms eligible as per clause 13.18 registered with the state government for G.O.Ms.No. 94,Dt. 01-07-2003. The Tenderer should submit copy of registration as mention in the tender notice. 2. Approximate estimated contact value of work : Rs. 3. All the participating the tenderers should pay a transaction fee of Rs.:/ (0.03% of ECV (Estimate Contract Value) with a cap of Rs. 10000/-+Service Tax @ 12.36% on Transaction Fee) shall be payble to M/S Vayam Technalagies Limited in the manner mentioned above. : 4. EMD to be paid by way of crossed demand draft for Rs. ?????/- (i.e., 1% of ECV) drawn in favour of District PR Engineer, PIUDivision,Kothagudem, scanned documents of EMD should be uploaded online with tenders. 5. Period of completion of work: 6. Tender Schedules :: The tender schedules can be downloaded from website tenders.telangana.gov.in 7. Form of Contract:: Lump sum contract. 8. Class of contractor eligible: Class ?II as per G.O.Ms.No. 178,Dt. 27-09-1997 or Clause ?III , G.O.Ms.No. 132,Dt. 11-08-1999 or Class ?IV as per G.O.Ms.No. 94,Dt. 01-07-2003. Class ?V as per G.O.Ms.No. 9. Downloading start date of tender documents from: 31.07.2024 10.00 AM to 07.08.2024, 4.00 PM. 10. Date of receipt of tenders from 31.07.2024 10.00 AM to 07.08.2024, 4.00 PM... 11. Time and date of Opening of Tenders: Price Bid opening 07.08.2024 4.00 PM 12. NOTE:: The dates stipulated above all extendable by an official notification from the Department, by Corrigendum at e-procurement market place, if those days happen to be public holidays subsequently . 13. The Technical Bid evaluation of the tenderers will be done on the certificates /documents uploaded through Online only towards qualification criteria furnish by them. 14. The tenderer is subject to be disqualified, if he is found to have misled or furnished falls information in the forms/statements/certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirement or record of performance such as abandoning completion of work,litigation history or financial failures and participated in the previous tendering for the same work and has quoted unreasonable high/low Bid price. 15. Even while execution of work, if found that the contractor has produced false /fake certificates of experience, he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated as per clause 60 (a) of PS to APSS and his EMD will be forfeited . 16. Any other conditions regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in tender document may please be treated as not applicable . 17. The contractors are requested to Upload the information in Zip format preferably . 18. Transaction Fee : A Transaction Fee at 0.10% of Estimate Contract Value of the work towards service charges has to be paid by successful Bidder at the time of concluding the agreement in the form of Demand Draft as follows in favour of : 1 Managing Director,APTS,Hyderabad for Rs. /- (@ 0.04% of Estimated Contract Value with cap of Rs. 10,000/-) 2. District PR Engineer, PIU Division,Kothagudem for Rs. /- ( @ 0.06% of ECV) 18. The District PR Engineer, PIU Division,Kothagudem reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons there are. 19. The successful bidder shall conclude the agreement within ( 7 ) days from the date of receipt of letter of Acceptance issued by this Office. Otherwise, the tender will be cancelled duly forfeiting the deposit paid by the bidder. 20. Tenders with an excess of above 0% of the estimated contract value shall summarily by rejected. 21. For tenders upto 15% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required, But for tenders which are less by more than 15% of the estimated contract value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimated contract value, shall be paid by the successful tenderer at the time of concluding agreement as an additional security to fulfill the contract through a Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft on a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled Bank in the prescribed format valid till completion of the work in all respects. 22. Payment will be made for these works subject to availability of funds.

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
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Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 07/08/2024 04:01 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A