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Tender ID 532643 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/138/UPHC/MCN/15th FC/2024
Name of Work Construction of building for Urban Primary Health Center at Manyamchelka in Nalgonda Municipality under XV-FC Grants Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 11005202.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 09/08/2024 04:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 532643 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/138/UPHC/MCN/15th FC/2024
Name of Project UPHC Building Name of Work Construction of building for Urban Primary Health Center at Manyamchelka in Nalgonda Municipality under XV-FC Grants
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 6
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
3896 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 02/08/2024 10:30 AM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 09/08/2024 04:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Commissioner, Nalgonda Municipality Bid Opening Authority Commissioner, Nalgonda Municipality
Address O/o.Commissioner, Nalgonda Municipality Contact Details 9849906790
Email nlgmcn2011@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.110052.00 Commissioner, Nalgonda Municipality Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 The Civil Contractors having appropriate class of validRegistration with Government of Telangana. COMMON Mandatory
2 The agency or their employee shall possess valid ?A?grade electrical license.(OR)The agency shall produce amemorandum of understanding (MOU) on Rs.100/-Non Judicial stamp paper with?A? grade electricallicense holder to execute the electrical component.(OR)The agency shall upload an undertaking that,?if thework was allotted to agency, they will employ an?A?grade Electrical License holder to exe COMMON Mandatory
3 EMD for an amount of Rs. 1,10,052/- in the shape of irrevocable Bank Guarantee pledged in favour of the Commissioner Nalgonda Municipality and valid for Six Months from bid submission closing date as prescribed in the standard format issued by any Scheduled /Nationalized Bank (OR) Online, by utilizing the Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement platform COMMON Mandatory
4 Latest IT returns & PAN Card COMMON Mandatory
5 GST Registration and latest GST returns (Note: In case, the bidder has GST Registration from outside Telangana, he can participate in the tender subject to the condition that bidder (without Telangana GST registration) turns out to be L1 bidder), GST registration and GST returns in Telangana should be produced before concluding agreement. An undertaking to this effect shall be uploaded online.) COMMON Mandatory
6 The bidder shall submit litigation history. COMMON Mandatory
7 The bidder shall submit proof of payment of professional tax to the Commercial Department of Telangana State. COMMON Mandatory
8 The bidder should have executed similar nature of work i.e., Buildings in the past ten financial years i.e., 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2024. (The bidder shall furnish experience certificate issued in this regard by the officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer and countersigned by the Superintending Engineer).Sub Contractors/GPA holders experience shall not be considered. COMMON Mandatory
9 The bidder shall submit declaration on Rs.100/- NJS that the procurement of Diesel (POL) for this work will be done within the State of Telangana & upload the same on e-procurement platform COMMON Mandatory
10 The bidder shall submit a declaration as per NIT on Rs.100/- NJS paper and upload the same on e-procurement platform, which shall be part and parcel of the agreement of the work COMMON Mandatory
11 The bidder should furnish the availability of the key technical personnel having degree / diploma in Engineering with relevant experience AS PER NIT COMMON Mandatory
12 Availability key and critical equipment (either owned orleased) duly giving an understating declaration on anon-judicial stamp paper of worth of R.100/- with sufficient proof of equipment or lased agreement AS PER NIT COMMON Mandatory
13 The bidder should produce liquid assets / credit facilities / Solvency certificates from any Indian Nationalized / Scheduled banks of value not less than Rs.55.02 Lakhs. The solvency certificate should be in standard format as per G.O. Ms. No 94, I & CAD, Dt:01.07.2003 COMMON Mandatory
14 Maximum value of Civil engineering works executed in its name in any one financial year during the last Ten financial years of Annual Turnover C.A Certificate(updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress AS PER NIT COMMON Mandatory
15 Cost of completed works and balance works on hand etc Updated value (at current Price level) of all existing Commitments i.e ongoing works, works likely to be awarded to be executed during the period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited AS PER NIT COMMON Mandatory
16 The assessed available bid capacity of Bidders as per formula (3AN-B) shall be greater than the estimated contract value. (in terms of G.O.Rt.No.294 MA&UD(Engg) Dept dt:18.07.2020.) COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
Eligibility Criteria: I) General Requirement: - a)The Civil Contractors having appropriate class of valid Registration with Government of Telangana. The agency or their employee shall possess valid ?A? grade electrical license. (OR) The agency shall produce a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Rs. 100/- Non Judicial stamp paper with ?A? grade electrical license holder to execute the electrical component. (OR) The agency shall upload an undertaking that, ?if the work was allotted to agency, they will employ an ?A? grade Electrical License holder to execute the electrical component?. The registration shall be as per the following G.O s i. G.O.Ms.No.94, I & CAD (PW_COD) Dept., Dt. 1-7-2003.(from time to time amendment. ii. G.O.Ms.No.130, I & CAD (PW-Reforms) Dept., Dt.22-05-2007 iii. G.O.Ms.No.174,I& CAD (PW-Reforms)Dept., Dt.01-09-2008 iv. G.O.Ms.No.66, I&CAD (PW-Reforms) Dept., Dt.20.4.2015. b) The tenderer should further demonstrate and shall upload necessary certificates:- EMD for an amount of Rs.1,10,052.001in the shape of irrevocable Bank Guarantee pledged in favour of the Municipal Commissioner, Nalgonda and valid for Six Months from bid submission closing date as prescribed in the standard format issued by any Scheduled / Nationalized Bank OR Online, by utilizing the Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement platform". The Electronic Payment Gateway accepts all Master and Visa Credit Cards issued by any bank and Direct Debit facility/Net Banking/NEFT payment modes through ICICI Bank and/or Axis Bank Payment Gateways to facilitate the transaction. ii) Latest IT returns & PAN Card iii)GST Registration and latest GST returns Note: In case, the bidder has GST Registration from outside Telangana, he can participate in the tender subject to the condition that bidder (without Telangana GST registration) turns out to be L1 bidder), GST registration and GST returns in Telangana should be produced before concluding agreement. An undertaking to this effect shall be uploaded online. iv)The bidder shall submit litigation history v) The bidder shall submit proof of payment of professional tax to the Commercial Department of Telangana State. vi) The bidder should have executed similar nature of work i.e., Buildings in the past ten financial years i.e., 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2024. (The bidder shall furnish experience certificate issued in this regard by the officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer and countersigned by the Superintending Engineer).SubContractors/GPA holders experience shall not be considered. vii) The bidder shall submit declaration on Rs.100/- NJS that the procurement of Diesel (POL) for this work will be done within the State of Telangana & upload the same on e-procurement platform. viii) The bidder shall submit a declaration as given below, on Rs.100/- NJS paper and upload the same on e-procurement platform, which shall be part and parcel of the agreement of the work. I/we will renew my/our Contractor Registration well in advance before its expiry during the agreement period/EOT/Defect liability period (DLP) as the case may be, if the same is expiring during the said periods after award of work. It is my/our responsibility to ensure that my/our Contractor Registration is valid during the entire periods of contract (up to the end of DLP) and non-compliance of the same amounts to breach of contract. If I/we fail to renew Contractor registration before its expiry during the above said period of contract, I/We are liable for penalties @ Rs.10,000/- per week for the delay period caused from expiry of registration to its renewal. The work done payments and deposits if any due to me/us can be withheld until the contractor registration is renewed. C.Availability of Key and critical equipment: Availability of key and critical equipment (either owned or leased) duly giving an undertaking declaration on a non-judicial stamp paper of worth of Rs.100/- with sufficient proof of equipment or leased agreement. Sl No. Equipment Type required Qty. Required 1. Excavators 2 Nos 2. Tractors or Tippers 2 Nos 3. Concrete Weigh batch mixer 2 Nos The bidder should furnish an undertaking / declaration on a non ? Judicial stamp paper, worth Rs.100/- for the Availability of Key and critical equipment (either owned or leased).In case of owned equipments, the bidder has to upload either a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer, with in the block period (or) a Declaration on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in Statement V along with sufficient proof of documents in support of owning key and critical equipments such as Invoice/certificate of registration by the component authority. In case of leased equipments, the bidder shall invariably upload lease agreement along with sufficient proof of documents in support of owning lease equipments by the leased, such as certificate issued by the Executive Engineer, within the block period (or) Invoice/certificate of registration by the component authority in proof of owning the key and critical equipment. D.Availability of Key Technical personnel with adequate experience: The bidder should furnish the availability of the following key technical personnel having degree / diploma in Engineering with relevant experience. Sl No Type of Technical personnel & Qualification Minimum Experience No. of Persons 1 Graduate Engineer ( Civil) 5 Yrs. 1 No 2 Diploma Engineer (Civil) 5 Yrs. 2 Nos 3 Graduate/ Diploma Engineer (Electrical) 5 Yrs. 1 No II.Financial Requirement: 1) The bidder should produce liquid assets / credit facilities / Solvency certificates from any Indian Nationalized / Scheduled banks of value not less than Rs.55.02Lakhs. The solvency certificate should be in standard format as per G.O. Ms. No 94, I & CAD, Dt:01.07.2003. 2) The assessed available bid capacity of Bidders as per formula (3AN-B) shall be greater than the estimated contract value. (in terms of G.O.Rt.No.294 MA&UD(Engg) Dept dt:18.07.2020.) A = Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in its name in any one financial year during the last Ten financial years (updated to current Price level i.e.,2024-25 price level ) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited B= Updated value of Existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of completion of work for which Tenders are Invited. Annual Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years, shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level i.e.,2024-25 price level. The Sub Contractors /GPA holders experience shall not be taken into account in determining the bidder?s compliances with the qualifying criteria as per G.O. Ms. No 94 I&CAD, 01.07.2003.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
(1) The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Telangana i.e. www.eprocurement.telangana.gov.in or tender.telangana.gov.in. (2) Contractors would be required to register on the e-procurement Market Place www.eprocurement.telangana.gov.in or www.tender.telangana.gov.in and submit their bids on line. The Department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. (3) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the copies of GST returns, proof of on line payment of BG toward EMD obtained while submission of bid and EMD 2.5% and certificates/documents of the uploaded scanned copies to the tender inviting authority before entering into the agreement either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt/non-receipt of original proof of on line payment / BG towards EMD, certificates/documents, from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. (4) The tenderer to be black listed and the EMD forfeited if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements or record of performance such as abandoning of work not properly completed in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of the works, litigation history and / or financial failures. (5) Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be black listed and the contract will be terminated. (6) Transaction fee: The participating bidders shall pay transaction for @ 0.03% (plus tax @ 18% towards transaction fee to be paid electronically online through payment gateway services provided by ICICI and HDFC banks using their credit cards. (7) The successful bidder should pay an amount of Rs. 0.04% of ECV (estimated contract value) with a cap of Rs.10, 000 (Rupees ten thousand only) for all works with ECV up to Rs.50 Crores, and Rs.25, 000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for works with ECV above Rs.50 Crores. DD drawn favour of Managing Director, TSTS, Hyderabad and the same shall submit to theCommissioner Nalgonda Municipality before entering into agreement. (8) Any further information can be obtained from the office of the Commissioner Nalgonda Municipality. (9) Any objections by the participating bidders on the technical bid evaluation / disqualification made by the bid inviting authority shall be made within 10 days? time from the date of opening of technical bid and proper acknowledgement shall be obtained invariably. The representation / petition received after the specified time and date shall not be entertained. (10) If any participant bidder, after bid submission closing date (during the bid validity period) withdraws the bid OR if any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates / documents, BG towards EMD within the stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the original hard copies submitted by the bidder, the bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e- Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting successful bidder based on the trigger / recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. The information to this extent will be displayed in the e-procurement platform website. NOTE:- a. The date stipulated above is firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed unless otherwise extended by an official notification or happen to be Public Holidays. b. Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable. c. The tender inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or all tenders and to cancel the tendering process, at any time prior to the award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the reasons for such action. d. Clause pertaining to deduction of 0.01% of value of work done as Contribution towards Telangana Green Fund shall be incorporated in the agreement in terms of G.O. Ms No. 17, Finance (TR) Dept., Dt. 18-02-2022 and GOMs No. 17, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept., Dt. 13-05-2022.

Legal Terms & Conditions

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 09/08/2024 04:31 PM
2 Commercial Stage 09/08/2024 04:36 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard Yes No AS PER NIT
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard Yes No AS PER NIT
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard Yes No AS PER NIT
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard Yes No AS PER NIT
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A