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Tender ID 536636 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 01/SE(P-C,N&EZ)/GHMC/2024-25, Dt:08.08.2024.
Name of Work "Construction of RCC Storm Water Drain from H.No.17-1-473/a/88/A at Balaji Nagar colony to BSNL open land near Reddy Colony via JSR Swimmimg pool, IS Sadan Ward No.38, Santoshnagar Circle, GHMC." Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 28266454.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 30/08/2024 03:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 536636 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 01/SE(P-C,N&EZ)/GHMC/2024-25, Dt:08.08.2024.
Name of Project Storm Water Drain Name of Work "Construction of RCC Storm Water Drain from H.No.17-1-473/a/88/A at Balaji Nagar colony to BSNL open land near Reddy Colony via JSR Swimmimg pool, IS Sadan Ward No.38, Santoshnagar Circle, GHMC."
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 12
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 1
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
10007 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 12/08/2024 04:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 30/08/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Superintending Engineer Bid Opening Authority Projects-C,N&EZ, GHMC
Address 6th Floor, Head office, Tankbund, C.C.Complex, Hyderabad. Contact Details 7337557260
Email seprojectsnez@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.282665.00 Commissioner, GHMC Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Copy of Contractors valid Registration under appropriate Class with Government of Telangana. COMMON Mandatory
2 Copy of PAN Card, and Copy of Latest valid Income Tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. COMMON Mandatory
3 Copy of Proof of Registration under GST. COMMON Mandatory
4 Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last 10 financial years duly updating by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2021-2022 in the Tenderer?s name in Statement-I with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
5 Details of similar works completed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) during the last 10 financial Years in Statement-II with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
6 Quantities of work executed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) in the last 10 financial years - in Statement ? III with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
7 Details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand and works for which tenders are submitted in statement - IV with supporting certificates with documentary evidence such as forwarding slips of agreement and certificates of value of work done if already executed certain work from the concerned EE along with documentary evidence. COMMON Mandatory
8 Availability of critical equipment in Statement ?V. COMMON Mandatory
9 Availability of Key personnel in Statement-VI. COMMON Mandatory
10 Litigation history in Statement ?VII. COMMON Mandatory
11 Proof of liquid assets in the shape of Solvency certificates etc., for the required amount. COMMON Mandatory
12 List of certificates enclosed for the above items. COMMON Mandatory
13 As per tender document. COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
1) Civil Contractors / Firms having registration in eligible class as Civil Contractor a) G.O Ms. No. 94, I & CAD., Dt:01.07.2003 b) G.O.Ms.No.14, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept., Dt: 31-01-2015 c) G.O.Ms.No.66, I&CAD Dept., Dt:20-04-2015. 2) Special Condition-I :- Declaration of Contractor Registration: ?A declaration (as given below) on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper shall be uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement platform at the time of submission of tender. ?I/we do not have any contractor registration either in our individual names or as sole proprietor of any firm/company, (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. I/we also declare that, I/we are not a partner/Director of any firm/company which is having contractor registration in any department in Government of Telangana (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. If this declaration is found wrong at later stage I/we are liable for disciplinary action?. 3) Special Conditions-II: As per Memo No:262/AE4/T2/TP/2023-24/1661, Dt:07.08.2023 & as per circular Memo RC. No: /SO2/DEE1/EE/COT/2023, Dt: 26.07.2023: i) The EE shall ensure that the contractor shall renew his Contractor Registration well in advance before its expiry during the agreement period/EOT/Defect liability period (DLP) as the case may be, if the same is expiring during the said period after award of work. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that his Contractor Registration shall be valid during the entire period of contract and non-compliance of the same amounts to breach of contract. The agreement work shall not be carried out by a non-registered contractor at any point of time. ii) If any contractor fails to renew Contractor registration before its expiry during the above said period of contract, penalties shall be imposed @ Rs. 10,000/- per week for the delay period from expiry of registration to its renewal and such work shall be liable for termination as per the recommendations of concerned agreement authority. iii) The work done payments and deposits if any due to the contractor shall be withheld until his contractor registration is renewed. 4) Special Conditions-III As per Proc.No: ENC/GHMC/TA-II/K10/2022-23/871, Dt:15.10.2023. i) Payments will be done as per seniority of the bill submitted and will be subject to the existence of adequate funds within the relevant head of account. Agency shall not request for priority payment in any case. Any such requests by the agencies will not be entertained by GHMC ii) Agencies shall not depend on payment of part bills to ensure completion of work on timely basis. Hence the agency shall not stop or slow down the work citing delays in payment of part bills. iii) For all works costing Rs. 20.00 Lakh and below, there shall be only one bill i.e., first and final bill. No running account bills shall be paid to the agencies by GHMC in any circumstance. iv) Violation of any of the above special conditions will make the agency liable for being recommended for demotion to a lower class / suspension of business / removal from approved list as per GOs in vogue. 5) As per Tender Document.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
1) Civil Contractors / Firms having registration in eligible class as Civil Contractor a) G.O Ms. No. 94, I & CAD., Dt:01.07.2003 b) G.O.Ms.No.14, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept., Dt: 31-01-2015 c) G.O.Ms.No.66, I&CAD Dept., Dt:20-04-2015. 2) Special Condition-I :- Declaration of Contractor Registration: ?A declaration (as given below) on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper shall be uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement platform at the time of submission of tender. ?I/we do not have any contractor registration either in our individual names or as sole proprietor of any firm/company, (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. I/we also declare that, I/we are not a partner/Director of any firm/company which is having contractor registration in any department in Government of Telangana (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. If this declaration is found wrong at later stage I/we are liable for disciplinary action?. 3) Special Conditions-II: As per Memo No:262/AE4/T2/TP/2023-24/1661, Dt:07.08.2023 & as per circular Memo RC. No: /SO2/DEE1/EE/COT/2023, Dt: 26.07.2023: i) The EE shall ensure that the contractor shall renew his Contractor Registration well in advance before its expiry during the agreement period/EOT/Defect liability period (DLP) as the case may be, if the same is expiring during the said period after award of work. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that his Contractor Registration shall be valid during the entire period of contract and non-compliance of the same amounts to breach of contract. The agreement work shall not be carried out by a non-registered contractor at any point of time. ii) If any contractor fails to renew Contractor registration before its expiry during the above said period of contract, penalties shall be imposed @ Rs. 10,000/- per week for the delay period from expiry of registration to its renewal and such work shall be liable for termination as per the recommendations of concerned agreement authority. iii) The work done payments and deposits if any due to the contractor shall be withheld until his contractor registration is renewed. 4) Special Conditions-III As per Proc.No: ENC/GHMC/TA-II/K10/2022-23/871, Dt:15.10.2023. i) Payments will be done as per seniority of the bill submitted and will be subject to the existence of adequate funds within the relevant head of account. Agency shall not request for priority payment in any case. Any such requests by the agencies will not be entertained by GHMC ii) Agencies shall not depend on payment of part bills to ensure completion of work on timely basis. Hence the agency shall not stop or slow down the work citing delays in payment of part bills. iii) For all works costing Rs. 20.00 Lakh and below, there shall be only one bill i.e., first and final bill. No running account bills shall be paid to the agencies by GHMC in any circumstance. iv) Violation of any of the above special conditions will make the agency liable for being recommended for demotion to a lower class / suspension of business / removal from approved list as per GOs in vogue. 5) As per Tender Document.

Legal Terms & Conditions
1) Civil Contractors / Firms having registration in eligible class as Civil Contractor a) G.O Ms. No. 94, I & CAD., Dt:01.07.2003 b) G.O.Ms.No.14, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept., Dt: 31-01-2015 c) G.O.Ms.No.66, I&CAD Dept., Dt:20-04-2015. 2) Special Condition-I :- Declaration of Contractor Registration: ?A declaration (as given below) on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper shall be uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement platform at the time of submission of tender. ?I/we do not have any contractor registration either in our individual names or as sole proprietor of any firm/company, (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. I/we also declare that, I/we are not a partner/Director of any firm/company which is having contractor registration in any department in Government of Telangana (except the registration uploaded in e-procurement platform for this tender)?. If this declaration is found wrong at later stage I/we are liable for disciplinary action?. 3) Special Conditions-II: As per Memo No:262/AE4/T2/TP/2023-24/1661, Dt:07.08.2023 & as per circular Memo RC. No: /SO2/DEE1/EE/COT/2023, Dt: 26.07.2023: i) The EE shall ensure that the contractor shall renew his Contractor Registration well in advance before its expiry during the agreement period/EOT/Defect liability period (DLP) as the case may be, if the same is expiring during the said period after award of work. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that his Contractor Registration shall be valid during the entire period of contract and non-compliance of the same amounts to breach of contract. The agreement work shall not be carried out by a non-registered contractor at any point of time. ii) If any contractor fails to renew Contractor registration before its expiry during the above said period of contract, penalties shall be imposed @ Rs. 10,000/- per week for the delay period from expiry of registration to its renewal and such work shall be liable for termination as per the recommendations of concerned agreement authority. iii) The work done payments and deposits if any due to the contractor shall be withheld until his contractor registration is renewed. 4) Special Conditions-III As per Proc.No: ENC/GHMC/TA-II/K10/2022-23/871, Dt:15.10.2023. i) Payments will be done as per seniority of the bill submitted and will be subject to the existence of adequate funds within the relevant head of account. Agency shall not request for priority payment in any case. Any such requests by the agencies will not be entertained by GHMC ii) Agencies shall not depend on payment of part bills to ensure completion of work on timely basis. Hence the agency shall not stop or slow down the work citing delays in payment of part bills. iii) For all works costing Rs. 20.00 Lakh and below, there shall be only one bill i.e., first and final bill. No running account bills shall be paid to the agencies by GHMC in any circumstance. iv) Violation of any of the above special conditions will make the agency liable for being recommended for demotion to a lower class / suspension of business / removal from approved list as per GOs in vogue. 5) As per Tender Document.

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
1 TELANGANA HYDERABAD Saidabad IS Sadan Ward No XXXVIII Santoshnagar Circle
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 30/08/2024 03:30 PM
2 Commercial Stage 31/08/2024 04:00 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Work Done as a Prime Contractor Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Similar Work Details Standard Yes Yes As per tender document
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure Yes Yes As per tender document.