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Current Tender Details
Tender ID 539302 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/Civil Works /Eproc-03/2024, Dated:- 27-08-2024
Name of Work 1) Construction of CC Drain from Kinnera Yakaiah House to Sunil House, 2) Laying of Pipe Line from Dhara Nagashiva Prasad house to Janjirala Yakaiah, 3) Construction of CC Drain from Ramesh House to Janjirala Nagaraju House , 4) Construction of CC Drain from Samudrala Uppalaiah House to Palle Gattaiah House and 5) Construction of CC Drain from Kotagiri Sudharashan House to Lions Club in Ward No:2, Thorrur Municipality. Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 388273.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 02/09/2024 10:30 AM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Department Name MUNICIPALITIES - TELANGANA Circle/Division MUNICIPALITIES - TELANGANA-Municipality, Thorrur
Tender ID 539302 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E1/Civil Works /Eproc-03/2024, Dated:- 27-08-2024
Name of Project CC Drain Name of Work 1) Construction of CC Drain from Kinnera Yakaiah House to Sunil House, 2) Laying of Pipe Line from Dhara Nagashiva Prasad house to Janjirala Yakaiah, 3) Construction of CC Drain from Ramesh House to Janjirala Nagaraju House , 4) Construction of CC Drain from Samudrala Uppalaiah House to Palle Gattaiah House and 5) Construction of CC Drain from Kotagiri Sudharashan House to Lions Club in Ward No:2, Thorrur Municipality.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
138 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 28/08/2024 10:30 AM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 02/09/2024 10:30 AM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids office of the Thorrur Municipality Bid Opening Authority The Municipal Commissioner Thorrur Munnicipality
Address Thorrur Municipality Contact Details 9347945697
Email municipalthorru@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.3883.00 The Commissioner , Thorrur Municipality Exempted,Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Process Fee Details
Process Fee Process Fee Payable To
1000.00(INR) The Commissioner , Thorrrur Municipality

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Copy of valid GST Registration Certificate shall be uploaded. COMMON Mandatory
2 Copy of PAN shall be submitted. COMMON Mandatory
3 Copy of latest IT Returns. COMMON Mandatory
4 1% EMD on estimate cost and transaction fee should pay through online only COMMON Mandatory
5 Rs.2000/- Bid processing fee copy of dd COMMON Mandatory
6 Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
General Terms & Conditions 1.The Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality invites bids for the above work during the period, for which dates and time specified in the NIT and will be opened by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality or his nominee at his office on the date and time mentioned in the NIT. 2. The intending Tenderers would be required to enroll themselves on the procurement market place at www.eprocurement.gov.in. 3. The Tenders should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality (As specified in NIT) that can be downloaded at free of cost from the website www.eprocurement.gov.in. 4. The dates stipulated in the tender notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended. 5. The Tenderer should upload scanned copies of registration, furnish the original Proof of online Payment (Remittance)/BG towards EMD and Certificates/Documents and the successful bidder shall produce attested copies of evidence of their registration in required class of the uploaded scan copies, to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into Agreement. Contractor shall produce the originals of all documents for verification if asked for by the Competent Authority within (3) days. The bidder is subjected to be blacklisted and EMD is to be forfeited if found to have misled or furnished false information. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60 (a) of PS of APSS. 6. The Tender opening Authority will not consider any tender received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in NIT) for receipt of tenders. 7. Tenderers shall furnish declaration on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp paper that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the Tenders so received will be rejected and the Tenderer black listed. 8. Transaction fee: The Transaction fee at 0.04% on ECV (Estimate Contract value) of work and 10.2 % on transaction fees as Service tax in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad should be scanned and uploaded on line before opening the Tenders. 9. Successful Tenderer shall pay the Corpus fund to APTS @ 0.04% on ECV in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of APTS, Hyderabad to sustain e procurement initiatives, research and development of software application for automation for process in user departments. 10. The successful Tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the NIT with all standards and those quality steel and cement are only to be used as mentioned in the agreement. 11. The successful Tenderer should start the work within 3 days from date of receipt of work order duly obtaining mark out from the Municipal Assistant Engineer of this office without fail, otherwise the work will be liable for cancel without any further notice and will be processed to keep the contractor in black list. 12. V th Class Contractor, Registered is Eligible as per G.O.Ms No 94. 13. The tender Inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender or all tenders and to cancel the Tendering process, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of the reasons for such action. To qualify for consideration of Award of the Contract for Civil works each Tenderer hold fulfill the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the e procurement plat form. i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY). Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criterion Eligibility Criteria - To qualify for consideration of Award of the contract for Civil works each Tenderer should fulfil the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the 'e' procurement plat form i i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY) ***Must Have certificte of Previous Supply of Labour

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
General Terms & Conditions 1.The Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality invites bids for the above work during the period, for which dates and time specified in the NIT and will be opened by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality or his nominee at his office on the date and time mentioned in the NIT. 2. The intending Tenderers would be required to enroll themselves on the procurement market place at www.eprocurement.gov.in. 3. The Tenders should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality (As specified in NIT) that can be downloaded at free of cost from the website www.eprocurement.gov.in. 4. The dates stipulated in the tender notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended. 5. The Tenderer should upload scanned copies of registration, furnish the original Proof of online Payment (Remittance)/BG towards EMD and Certificates/Documents and the successful bidder shall produce attested copies of evidence of their registration in required class of the uploaded scan copies, to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into Agreement. Contractor shall produce the originals of all documents for verification if asked for by the Competent Authority within (3) days. The bidder is subjected to be blacklisted and EMD is to be forfeited if found to have misled or furnished false information. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60 (a) of PS of APSS. 6. The Tender opening Authority will not consider any tender received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in NIT) for receipt of tenders. 7. Tenderers shall furnish declaration on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp paper that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the Tenders so received will be rejected and the Tenderer black listed. 8. Transaction fee: The Transaction fee at 0.04% on ECV (Estimate Contract value) of work and 10.2 % on transaction fees as Service tax in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad should be scanned and uploaded on line before opening the Tenders. 9. Successful Tenderer shall pay the Corpus fund to APTS @ 0.04% on ECV in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of APTS, Hyderabad to sustain e procurement initiatives, research and development of software application for automation for process in user departments. 10. The successful Tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the NIT with all standards and those quality steel and cement are only to be used as mentioned in the agreement. 11. The successful Tenderer should start the work within 3 days from date of receipt of work order duly obtaining mark out from the Municipal Assistant Engineer of this office without fail, otherwise the work will be liable for cancel without any further notice and will be processed to keep the contractor in black list. 12. V th Class Contractor, Registered is Eligible as per G.O.Ms No 94. 13. The tender Inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender or all tenders and to cancel the Tendering process, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of the reasons for such action. To qualify for consideration of Award of the Contract for Civil works each Tenderer hold fulfill the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the e procurement plat form. i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY). Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criterion Eligibility Criteria - To qualify for consideration of Award of the contract for Civil works each Tenderer should fulfil the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the 'e' procurement plat form i i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY)

Legal Terms & Conditions
General Terms & Conditions 1.The Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality invites bids for the above work during the period, for which dates and time specified in the NIT and will be opened by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality or his nominee at his office on the date and time mentioned in the NIT. 2. The intending Tenderers would be required to enroll themselves on the procurement market place at www.eprocurement.gov.in. 3. The Tenders should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Commissioner, Thorrur Municipality (As specified in NIT) that can be downloaded at free of cost from the website www.eprocurement.gov.in. 4. The dates stipulated in the tender notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended. Must Have certificte of Previous Supply of Labour 5. The Tenderer should upload scanned copies of registration, furnish the original Proof of online Payment (Remittance)/BG towards EMD and Certificates/Documents and the successful bidder shall produce attested copies of evidence of their registration in required class of the uploaded scan copies, to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into Agreement. Contractor shall produce the originals of all documents for verification if asked for by the Competent Authority within (3) days. The bidder is subjected to be blacklisted and EMD is to be forfeited if found to have misled or furnished false information. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60 (a) of PS of APSS. 6. The Tender opening Authority will not consider any tender received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in NIT) for receipt of tenders. 7. Tenderers shall furnish declaration on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp paper that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the Tenders so received will be rejected and the Tenderer black listed. 8. Transaction fee: The Transaction fee at 0.04% on ECV (Estimate Contract value) of work and 10.2 % on transaction fees as Service tax in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of M/s C1 India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad should be scanned and uploaded on line before opening the Tenders. 9. Successful Tenderer shall pay the Corpus fund to APTS @ 0.04% on ECV in the form of DD payable at Hyderabad and drawn in favour of APTS, Hyderabad to sustain e procurement initiatives, research and development of software application for automation for process in user departments. 10. The successful Tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the NIT with all standards and those quality steel and cement are only to be used as mentioned in the agreement. 11. The successful Tenderer should start the work within 3 days from date of receipt of work order duly obtaining mark out from the Municipal Assistant Engineer of this office without fail, otherwise the work will be liable for cancel without any further notice and will be processed to keep the contractor in black list. 12. V th Class Contractor, Registered is Eligible as per G.O.Ms No 94. 13. The tender Inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender or all tenders and to cancel the Tendering process, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of the reasons for such action. To qualify for consideration of Award of the Contract for Civil works each Tenderer hold fulfill the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the e procurement plat form. i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY). Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criterion Eligibility Criteria - To qualify for consideration of Award of the contract for Civil works each Tenderer should fulfil the following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned and uploaded on to the 'e' procurement plat form i i) Registered Civil contractors having registration in appropriate class as per G.O.Ms.No.633, M.A, Dt: 10-08-1978, G.O.Ms.No.443, M.A., Dt: 11-08-1998., G.O.Ms. No. 178 I&CAD, dt. 27-09-97, G.O.Ms. No. 132T, T&B dt. 11-08-98, G.O.Ms.No. 8, dt. 08-01-2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 94, dt. 01-07-2003. G.O M.s.No.130, M.A, Dt:22-05-2007 ii) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii) Copy of GST Registration Certificate. iv) Online EMD 1% Payment Receipt Copy vi) All the Participated bidders shall submit the Mandatory, Non Refundable Original Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- towards Bid processing fee payable at The commissioner, Thorrur Municipality at Thorrur Municipality before bid closing date. vii) copy of Latest IT Registration / Clearance 2018-19 (IF ANY)

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
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Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 02/09/2024 11:00 AM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A