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Tender ID 540901 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number T.No.11/PJP/2024-25Date:-29.08.2024
Name of Work PJP- Construction of Anganwadi Building at Nagardoddi R&R Center of Dharur(M)- Jogulamba Gadwal(D) Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 1277575.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 11/09/2024 05:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Department Name I & CAD - Telangana Circle/Division I & CAD - Telangana-SE, I&CAD, GADWAL MBNR
Tender ID 540901 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number T.No.11/PJP/2024-25Date:-29.08.2024
Name of Project Priyadarshini Jurala Project Name of Work PJP- Construction of Anganwadi Building at Nagardoddi R&R Center of Dharur(M)- Jogulamba Gadwal(D)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 6
Type of Work Civil Engineering Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
453 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 04/09/2024 11:00 AM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 11/09/2024 05:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Address O/o The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle Contact Details 9182562401
Email segdl.irr@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.1.00 RESERVED FOR ST CONTRACTORS ONLY Exempted,Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Contractor Registration COMMON Mandatory
2 Latest IT COMMON Mandatory
3 st caste certificate COMMON Mandatory
4 PAN Card COMMON Mandatory
5 AS per tender Document COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
2.1 The bidders who i) Possess the valid registration in the class and categories mentioned in the NIT and satisfy all the Conditions therein. ii) Are not blacklisted or debarred by the Government of Telangana and any other Governments (State & Central) in India (or) suspended from the business by the Registering Authority for whatever the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in the contracting business iii) Have complied with the eligibility criteria and other conditions specified in the NIT and tender document are only eligible to participate in the tender. iv) The bidder should be cumulatively net profit making during the last Ten Financial Years. In case of JV, all members shall be cumulatively net profit making during the last Ten Financial Years.(i.e., the combined total profit and loss put together in the last Ten Financial Years should be in profit.) 2.2 Bidders Ineligible to Tender: i) The Bidder / Firms applied for / availed Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) / Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) during last five (5) financial years and continuing to be under the same as on the date of tendering i.e last date of tendering are not eligible to participate in the Bid. ii) A retired employee of the Govt. of Telangana / erstwhile Govt. of AP or Govt. of India is disqualified from tendering for a period of two years from the date of retirement except with the prior permission of the Government. iii) The Bidder who has employed any retired employee as mentioned above shall be considered as an ineligible bidder. iv) The contractor himself or any of his employees is found to be an officer who retired from Government Service and had not obtained permission from the Government for accepting the contractor?s employment within a period of 2 years from the date of his retirement. v) The Contractor or any of his employees is found at any time after award of contract, to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the Contractor?s service. vi) Contractor shall not be eligible to tender for works in the division / circle where any of his near relatives are employed in the rank of Assistant Engineer or Assistant Executive Engineers and above on the Engineering side and Divisional Accounts Officer and above on the administrative side. The Contractor may intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed. He may also furnish a list of Gazetted / Non-Gazetted, State Government Employees related to him. vii) Note: Near relatives include 1. Sons, stepsons, daughters, and stepdaughters. 2. Son-in-law and daughter-in-law. 3. Brother-in-law and sister-in-law. 4. Brothers and Sisters. 5. Father and Mother. 6. Wife / Husband. 7. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law 8. Nephews, nieces, uncle and aunts 9. Cousins and 10. Any person residing with or dependent on the contractor. 3. QUALIFICATION DATA OF THE BIDDERS 3.1 The Bidder shall furnish the following particulars in the formats enclosed, supported by documentary evidence as specified in the formats. Failure to comply with the condition, the bid shall be considered incomplete and summarily rejected. a) Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm / company, Partnership deed / Articles of Association Note: The Partnership firms, which are registered as Contractors shall intimate the change in partners if any, within one month of such change. Failure to notify the change to the registration authority in time will entail the firms to forfeit their registration and their tender will be rejected. It is the responsibility of the bidders to upload the proof of intimation of change of partners if any to the Registering authority within one month of such change along with the tender. The acceptance by the Registration authority if any may also be uploaded. b) Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last 10 financial years (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24) by the Bidder in Statement-I with supporting certificates.( DELETED) c) Details of similar works completed (not less than 90% of physical contract value) by the bidder during the last ten financial Years (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24) in Statement-II with supporting certificates.( DELETED) d) Details of required physical Quantities of work executed by the bidder in the last 10 financial years (i.e. from 2012-13 to 2022-23) in Statement ? III with supporting certificates. (This is not required for works costing upto Rs. 10 crore). .( DELETED) e) Details of existing commitments of the bidder i.e., works on hand in Statement-IV-(A) with Supporting Certificates and also details of tenders Participated/submitted in Statement ?IV(B) .( DELETED) f) Availability of Key & critical construction and quality control equipments with the bidder in Statement - V.( DELETED) g) Availability of key personnel with the bidder for administration / site management and execution viz., technical personnel required for the work (Statement-VI) .( DELETED) h) Information regarding any litigation, with Government during the last five years, in which the Bidder is involved in (Statement-VII) .( DELETED) i) Availability of working capital for the work [Liquid assets, credit facility and availability of other financial resources]. .( DELETED) Clause b to i deleted j) Aadhar Card k) Pan card and IT returns latest l) ST caste Certificate m) Commercial tax /VAT/GST Registration and Clearance certificate n) The bidders shall furnish a declaration online stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/ deviation noticed would be viewed seriously and apart from cancelling of the Tender and forfeiting EMD, criminal action would be initiated including suspension of Business. o) The proposed methodology and program of construction, backed with equipment planning and deployment, duly supported with broad calculations, justifying their capability of execution and completion of the work as per technical specifications within the stipulated period of completion as per milestones. p) deleted 3.2 Deleted A) General requirements: 1) Individual / Firm/ Company registered as _________________(appropriate class & category of contract may be incorporated according to the nature of work and as per ECV Value) with Government of Telangana / erstwhile Andhra Pradesh with valid Registration in terms of (I) ) G.O.Ms.No: 94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dated: 01-07-2003. -----( Specify required Class & Category) Class-III(CIVIL) & above 2) GO Ms No.130 I & CAD (PW: Reforms) Dept, Dt 22-05-2007 Class-III(cIVIL) 3) GO Ms No.66 I & CAD (Reforms) Dept, Dt 20-04-2015. Class-V(CIVIL AND ABOVE) 4) GO Ms No.67 I & CAD (Reforms) Dept, Dt 20-04-2015. Class-V(CIVIL) AND ABOVE 2) In case of J.V, the partner of the J.V group should have a valid registration in appropriate class with the Government of Telangana / erstwhile Andhra Pradesh as on date of submission of bids. 3) Any member of JV who has applied for / availed corporate debt restructuring (CDR) / Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) during last five (5) financial years and continuing to be under the same as on the date of tendering i.e., ............... is not eligible to participate in the bid. A certificate from chartered accountant to the effect that CDR/SDR not applied / not availed/ not continuing under CDR/SDR shall be uploaded by the bidder. 4) In case of joint ventures, the eligibility criteria will be considered on the basis of combined resources of the JV members, subject to the provisions of the bid document. 5) The total members in the Joint venture shall not be more than 3 (Three) 6) In case of Joint Venture, the JV members should have entered into a legally valid Agreement for joint and several responsibilities and submit along with bid. The name of the Lead Member shall be defined. The Lead Member?s share shall be not less than 51% in the joint venture. The other two members share shall not be less than 20%. The share of each member including lead Member shall be exhibited in the JV Agreement. In case of JV for pump house packages the conditions of joint and several responsibilities is applicable to all the JV partners except the JV partner who is responsible for pump/motor components and the responsibility & liability of such JV partner shall be limited to his share. However, the lead partner of the JV shall be responsible and liable for all contractual obligations/ responsibilities for completion of entire work. 7) The JV Agreement should clearly exhibit the responsibilities of the JV members. The non lead members of the JV shall execute a Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member authorizing the Lead Member to conduct all business for and on behalf of the JV during (a) Tendering process and (b) execution and for successful performance of the work including the Defect Liability in case of award of work. The Lead Member shall execute a Power of Attorney in favour of one of its officers to be the Authorized Signatory for signing the Bid Documents and also to undertake all other acts and deeds on the behalf of the JV in connection with the Bid and the Contract. 8) The JV firm should furnish an undertaking from all the members that in case of award of work, the J.V Agreement deed is irrevocable by any one or all the members together until 3 months after the completion of the contract period including the defect liability period. 9) The JV Agreement should also include JV members to agree that the above undertaking to be without any prejudice to the various liabilities of the members of the JV (Bidder) including the performance security deposit as well as all the other obligations of the contract. 10) In case of J.Vs in meeting the requirement of eligibility criteria except ?Available bid capacity?, the experience of each of the members of J.V shall be added together to arrive the combined experience of the J.V to determine the tenderers compliance with eligibility criteria, subject to satisfying minimum criteria stipulated for members of the JV in the subsequent clauses. Regarding available bid capacity, in case of joint venture the available bid capacity will be applied for each member to the extent of his participation in the execution of the works according to the J.V agreement. 11) The experience of the work for which bids are invited shall be shared among the members of J.V. in the same ratio of their JV participation in the work. 12) No member of Joint Venture shall be member of another Joint Venture for bidding the same work. All such bids in that particular work shall be disqualified. 3.3 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OPENING OF THE PRICE BID. A) To qualify for opening the Price Bid each bidder in its name, should have, during the last ten financial years including the current financial year in which tenders are invited (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24) (specify the financial years; those immediately preceeding the financial year in which the tenders are invited). Deleted a) Satisfactorily completed, (not less than 90% of physical contract value) as a PRIME CONTRACTOR or as a sub-contractor ( duly certified by the Executive Engineer and counter signed by Superintending Engineer ) similar works- (indicate broad nature of work) of value not less than Rs: lakhs (usually 50% of Estimate contract value of the work) in any one financial year, during last ten financial years as specified above updated to current price level giving a weightage of 10% per year. DELETED as per G.O.66 b) Executed the following in any two financial years during the last ten financial year physical quantities. (Usually 50% of the expected peak quantities of construction per year). Note for the Tender Inviting Authority: 1. Only items which have 25% or more weightage shall be mentioned except in case of specialized items. In case of specialised items, the Tender document approving authority shall invariably justify the same. Generic item quantities can be clubbed. 2. The qualification criteria at clause 3.3 A will not made applicable for the works costing Rs 10.00 crores (ECV) and below. 3. In case the current financial year is claimed by the bidder, the last 10 ten financial years would be including the current financial year otherwise the last 10 ten financial years would be excluding the current financial year. B). Net Liquid assets / credit facilities : Deleted. C) Contractor Registration certificate of appropriate class in Government of Telangana / Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. D) Necessary D.D / B.G towards E.M.D. as per tender documents. E) Transaction fee at 0.03% of ECV+14.50 % Service tax as applicable on 0.03% of ECV through the electronic payment Gateway subject to ceilings mentioned in clause 12.6. F) Bid capacity Deleted as per G.O.66 .( DELETED) The bidders who meet the above qualification criteria and whose available bid capacity is more or equal to the estimated contract value will only be qualified for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity: (3 * A * N ? B) Where, A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed / in progress in its name in any one financial year during the last ten financial years (updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. Attach certificate(s) issued by the Executive Engineer(s) concerned and counter signed by Superintending Engineer(s) or showing work wise / year wise value of work done in respect of all the works executed / in progress by the bidder during last ten financial years as per statement-I. OR Certificate from Chartered Accountant financial year wise towards contracts of Civil engineering works executed, supported with P&L Account Statement. N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. [Period upto 45 days to be taken as half year and more than 6 months upto one year as one year] B = Updated value (at current Price level), of all existing Commitments i.e., ongoing works to be executed during the Period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. Annual turnover of the bidder based on Civil Engineering works executed and also the balance value of works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. Note: a) Sub-contractor?s experience, in his name will be taken in to account in determining the Bidder?s compliance to the Qualification criteria, duly certified by the EE and countersigned by SE. b) In case of Joint venture works, the experience gained to the extent of the bidder?s share shall be taken in to account in determining the bidder?s compliance with the qualification criteria. c) The experience gained by the bidders by execution of private works &

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
Contractor Registration certificate of appropriate class in Government of Telangana / Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. D) Necessary D.D / B.G towards E.M.D. as per tender documents. E) Transaction fee at 0.03% of ECV+14.50 % Service tax as applicable on 0.03% of ECV through the electronic payment Gateway subject to ceilings mentioned in clause 12.6. F) Bid capacity Deleted as per G.O.66 .( DELETED) The bidders who meet the above qualification criteria and whose available bid capacity is more or equal to the estimated contract value will only be qualified for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity: (3 * A * N ? B) Where, A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed / in progress in its name in any one financial year during the last ten financial years (updated to current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works in progress. Attach certificate(s) issued by the Executive Engineer(s) concerned and counter signed by Superintending Engineer(s) or showing work wise / year wise value of work done in respect of all the works executed / in progress by the bidder during last ten financial years as per statement-I. OR Certificate from Chartered Accountant financial year wise towards contracts of Civil engineering works executed, supported with P&L Account Statement. N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. [Period upto 45 days to be taken as half year and more than 6 months upto one year as one year] B = Updated value (at current Price level), of all existing Commitments i.e., ongoing works to be executed during the Period of completion of the work for which Tenders are invited. Annual turnover of the bidder based on Civil Engineering works executed and also the balance value of works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. Note: a) Sub-contractor?s experience, in his name will be taken in to account in determining the Bidder?s compliance to the Qualification criteria, duly certified by the EE and countersigned by SE. b) In case of Joint venture works, the experience gained to the extent of the bidder?s share shall be taken in to account in determining the bidder?s compliance with the qualification criteria. c) The experience gained by the bidders by execution of private works & foreign works shall not be considered in determining the bidder?s compliance to the qualification criteria. If the prime contractor desires to sub-let a part of the work he should submit the same at the time of filing tenders or during execution, giving the name of the proposed Sub-Contractor, along with details of the qualification and experience. The Tender Accepting Authority will verify the experience of the proposed Sub-Contractor and if the Sub-Contractor satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work proposed to be sub-let, he may permit the same. The total value of works to be awarded on sub-letting shall not exceed 45% of contract value. The extent of subletting shall be added to the experience of the sub-contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main contractor. No qualification criteria shall be considered for sub-letting the works upto Rs 50 Crores for local entrepreneurs verified with Adhar Card. However, considering the annual turnover based on the certificate issued by chartered accountant as well as the income tax returns filed in the corresponding year and based on the valid registration in the class and categories mentioned in the NIT, works up to Rs 50 crores would be permitted to be sub-letted. If the part of work is to be sublet during execution, i.e., within the agreement period or beyond the agreement period (EOT), the sub contractor shall satisfy the qualification criteria proportionate to proposed value of subletting according to the qualification prescribed in the tender document only. G 1) Each bidder should demonstrate: Deleted Availability (either owned (or) leased) of the following major key and critical equipments costing more than Rs 10.00 lakhs for this work In case of owned equipments, the bidder has to upload either a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer, with in the block period (or) a Declaration on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in Statement V along with sufficient proof of documents in support of owning key and critical equipments such as Invoice / certificate of registration by the competent authority. In case of Leased equipments, the bidder shall invariably upload the lease agreement along with sufficient proof of documents in support of owning leased equipments by the leasee, such as certificate issued by the Executive Engineer, within the block period (or) Invoice / certificate of registration by the competent authority in proof of owning the key and critical equipment. 2) Quality control laboratory. Deleted: For all works costing more than Rs.200.00 Lakhs, the contractor shall show proof owning/leasing quality control testing equipment. The following equipments are required. (Specify the type and number of equipments required for the work) Note: The bidder has to upload a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer with in the Block period towards owning Quality control laboratory equipment (or) proof of tie up with an established Quality control testing laboratory suitable for the tendered work. The bidders may also furnish a declaration on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in Statement V along with sufficient documentary proof in support of owning the Quality Control testing lab equipments such as Invoice / certificate of registration by the competent authority. No payment shall be made by the Government as it is a part of the rate structure. 3) Availability of the Key personnel Graduate Engineer (CIVIL) : 1 No. (Minimum experience of 5 years) Diploma Holders / Graduate Engineer (CIVIL) : 1 No. (Minimum experience of 15 years) No payment shall be made by the Government as it is a part of the rate structure. The bidders shall also upload the consent letters of the technical personnel to work with the bidder during execution of the work along with qualification certificates of the proposed technical personnel. Failing to comply with the above, the bidder looses the opportunity of engaging the technical personnel and liable for penalty of (SSR x 3 times) shall be imposed for engaging technical personnel by the Engineer-in-Charge. 4) The bidder shall submit the copies of documents of: - i. GST Registration and latest valid clearance certificate in Government of Telangana. ii. PAN Card and copy of latest I.T returns. 5) In case of execution of specialized nature of works such as??????the bidder shall also furnish such documents ?..(As required by the tender inviting authority). 3.4 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, the bidder will be disqualified duly forfeiting the EMD and also they will be suspended / blacklisted, if they have a. Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms / statements / annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and/or b. Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon, and / or c. Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc. and/or d. been found, while execution of the work, that, the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience/ forms/ Statements/ annexure submitted in proof of the qualification requirement, the Contractor will be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS. 3.5 Tenders with an excess of above 5 % of the estimated contract value shall summarily be rejected. 3.6 For tenders up to 5% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required. For the tenders which are less by more than 5% of the estimated Contract Value of work and the difference between the tendered amount and 95% of the estimated contract value is less than Rs.20.00 lakhs, the additional security for the above difference shall be paid by the successful bidder in the form of Demand draft only at the time of Agreement. AND ?For the tenders which are less by more than 5% of the ECV of the work and the difference between the tendered amount and 95% of the ECV is more than Rs. 20.00 lakhs, the additional security for Rs. 20.00 lakhs shall be paid in the form of demand draft and the balance ASD shall be paid in the form of BG/DD by the successful bidder at the time of concluding the agreement. ONE TENDER PER BIDDER: 3.7 Each bidder shall submit only one Tender for the work. A Bidder who submits more than one Tender either in the form of individual or a partner in the firm will cause dis-qualification of all the Tenders submitted by the Bidder. 4. COST OF TENDERING 4.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Tender and the tender inviting authority will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs. 5. SITE VISIT. 5.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder?s own responsibility and risk is advised to visit and examine the Site of Work and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender for entering into a contract, for construction of the work. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder?s own expense. B. TENDER DOCUMENT 6. CONTENTS OF TENDER DOCUMENT. 6.1 One set of Tender document, comprises of the following: Technical bid 1) Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) 2) Instruction to Bidders 3) Forms of Tender and qualification information 4) Conditions of Contract. 5) Specifications. 6) Drawings. 7) Forms of Securities, EMD, Additional Security etc., Price bid 1) Bill of Quantities and Price bid. 7. CLARIFICATION ON TENDER DOCUMENTS 7.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on Tender documents may contact the Tender Inviting Officer at the address indicated in the NIT. The Tender Inviting Officer will also respond to any request sought for clarification, either received through post or in person, should be before ? (date to be specified). 8. AMENDMENT TO TENDER DOCUMENTS 8.1 Before the last date for submission of Tenders, the Tender Inviting Authority may modify any of the Contents of the Tender Notice, Tender documents by issuing amendment / Addendum. 8.2 Any addendum / amendments issued by the Tender Inviting Authority shall be part of the Tender Document and it shall be notified in online through corrigendum. 8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time to take an Addendum / Amendment into account in preparing their tenders, the Tender Inviting Authority invariably extend, the last date for submission of tenders by providing a minimum period of 7 days between date of publication of such Addendum / Amendment and the last date for submission of tenders. 8.4 It is the responsibility of the bidders to take notice of such Addendums / Amendments till the last date / time stipulated for submission of tenders. No plea of the bidders, who fail to take note of such Addendums / Amendments, will be entertained. C. PREPARATION OF TENDERS. 9. LANGUAGE OF THE TENDER. 9.1 All documents relating to the tender shall be in the English Language only. 10. DOCUMENTS COMPRISING OF THE TENDER. 1 After registering on the e-procurement market place, bidders need to scan and upload the required documents as per the tender requirements. 2 The Bidders shall authenticate the tender with their digital certificate for submitting the tender electronically on e-procurement Platform and the tenders not authenticated by Digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform. 3 The bidder shall mandatorily pay the transaction fee to M/s. TSTS, TELANGANA UNIT, HYDRABAD through the electronic payment Gateway. 10.1 i. The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement market place shall submit their technical bids, price bids etc., online in the standard format prescribed in the NIT and tender documents as displayed at e -procurement market place. The bidders should upload the scanned copies of all the relevant and required certificates, documents etc., in the e-procurement market place in support of their technical bids. The bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates uploaded by them, owning responsibility for their correctness /authenticity. ii. All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD / BG towards EMD in e- Procurement system and this shall be the primary requirement for Technical bid evaluation. iii. The bidder shall furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will be initiated including suspension from business. iv. The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD / BG towards EMD, certificates / documents of the uploaded scanned copies, to the Agreement concluding authority before entering into agreement either personally or through courier or post within the stipulated date and shall obtain the receipt of the same, which shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department shall not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt of original DD / BG towards EMD, certificates / documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the Tender Inviting Authority shall ensure the verification of genuineness of the DD / BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement system in support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement. v. The tenders will be opened online in e-procurement platform by the Tender Inviting Authority Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle,Gadwal or his nominee at his office on the date and time specified in the NIT. All the statements, documents, certificates, DD / BG etc., uploaded by the bidders will be downloaded for technical bid evaluation. The clarifications, particulars if any required from the bidders will be obtained by addressing the bidders. The technical bids will be evaluated as per the specified parameters/ criteria will be determined. vi. The Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based on the Uploaded Certificates / documents, DD / BG towards EMD in the e- procurement System. The result of technical bid evaluation will be displayed on the e-procurement market place, for the benefit by all the bidders participated in the tenders. vii. The price-bids of such bidders, who are determined to

Legal Terms & Conditions
13.1 If an individual makes the tender, it shall be signed by him with his full name and his address. If it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a member of the firm, who shall also sign and furnish his own name, and address of each member of the firm. If the tender is made by a corporation it shall be signed by a duly authorized officer who shall produce, with his tender, satisfactory evidence of his authorization. Such tendering corporation may be required before the contract is executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence. Tenders signed on behalf of G.P.A. holder will be rejected. 13.2 The Tender shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with instructions issued by the Tender Inviting Officer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case all such corrections shall be initiated by the person signing the Tender. 13.3 No alteration which is made by the Bidder in the contract form, the conditions of the contract, the drawings, specifications or statements / formats or quantities accompanying the same will be recognized; and, if any such alterations are made the tender will be void. D. SUBMISSION OF TENDERS. 14. SUBMISSION OF TENDERS: 14.1 The bidders who participate in tenders online, shall submit the following invariably failure to comply with the condition the bid shall be considered incomplete and rejected. a) Check slip b) Copy of contractor?s registration certificate under appropriate class with Government of Telangana / erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. c) The contractors shall furnish copy of permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of Latest Income tax returns. d) GST Registration Certificate and Clearance certificate of Government of Telangana. e) Details of value of Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering works executed in the last 10 financial years (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24) by the Bidder in Statement-I with supporting certificates. deleted f) Details of similar works completed (not less than 90% of contract value) by the bidder during the last 10 financial Years (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24) in Statement-II with supporting certificates.: deleted g) Details of required physical Quantities of work executed by the bidder in the last 10 financial years (i.e. from 2014-15 to 2023-24)in Statement ? III with supporting certificates (not required for the works, costing up to Rs. 50 crore).Deleted h) Details of existing commitments of the bidder i.e., works on hand in Statement-IV-A with Supporting Certificates and also details of tenders submitted in Statement-IV-(A) DELETED i) Availability of Key & critical construction and quality control equipments with the bidder in Statement V DELETED j) Availability of key personnel with the bidder for administration / site management and execution viz., technical personnel required for the work (.( DELETED) k) Information regarding any litigation, with Government during the last Ten years, in which the Bidder is involved .( DELETED) l) Availability of working capital for the work: Net Liquid assets / credit facilities : .( DELETED) 15. Aadhar Card (S) as per requirement in the tender document 16. LAST DATE / TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDERS. 16.1 Tenders must be submitted not later than the date and time specified in NIT. 16.2 The Tender Inviting Authority may modify the dates for bid documents downloaded date / end date / last date for submission of tenders / date of opening of Technical bid / Date of opening of Price bids by issuing an amendment in which case all rights and obligations of the Tender Inviting Authority will remain same. 17. LATE TENDERS. 17.1 Any Tender received after the last date / time prescribed in NIT will be summarily rejected. 18. MODIFICATION TO THE TENDER. 18.1 No Tender shall be modified after the last date /time of submission of Tenders. E. TENDER OPENING AND EVALUATION 19. TENDER OPENING 19.1 The technical bid containing qualification requirements as per Annexure - I & II and Statement I to VII will be evaluated by the tender opening authority 20. CLARIFICATION ON THE TECHNICAL BID. 20.1 The tender opening authority may call upon any Bidder for clarification on the statements, documentary proof relating to the technical bid. The request for clarification and response thereto shall be in writing and it shall be only on the qualification information furnished by the bidder. The clarification called for from the bidders shall be furnished within the stipulated period, which shall not be more than a week. 20.2 The Bidder if so desires, shall agree in writing to furnish the clarification called for within the stipulated period and if he fails to do so, evaluation of the bid will be made based on the information available. 21. EXAMINATION OF TECHNICAL BIDS AND DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS 21.1 The Tender Opening Authority will evaluate the Technical bid and determines whether each Bidder is satisfying the eligibility criteria prescribed in the tender document and declares them as a qualified/ not qualified Bidder. 21.2 If the technical bid of a Bidder is not satisfying the eligibility criteria the Tender Opening Authority will reject it. However, the tender accepting authority detects any discrepancy in the evaluation of Tenders, the tender accepting authority while returning the tenders may direct the Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer / Engineer-in- Chief as the case may be, to re-evaluate and re-submit the tenders. 22. PRICE BID OPENING: 22.1 The Price Bids of qualified Bidders whose technical Bids are found satisfying the eligibility criteria shall be opened on the date and time fixed. 22.2 The Price Bid of the Unqualified Bidders will not be opened. 22.3 Tenders shall be scrutinized in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Tender document. In case of any discrepancy or non-adherence to Conditions the Tender accepting authority shall communicate the same which will be binding both on the tender Opening authority and the Bidder. In case of any ambiguity, the decision taken by the Tender Accepting Authority on tenders shall be final. 23. EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF PRICE BIDS 23.1 The Tender Opening Authority will evaluate and compare the price bids of all the qualified Bidders. 23.2 Negotiations at any level are strictly prohibited. However, good gesture rebate, if offered by the lowest Bidder voluntarily prior to finalization of tenders may be accepted by the tender accepting authority. 23.3 Selection of Bidder among the lowest & equally quoted bidders will be in the following order: a) The bidder whose bid capacity is higher will be selected. b) In case the bid capacity is also same the Bidder whose annual turnover is more will be preferred. c) If the criteria mentioned above incidentally become the same, the turnover on similar works and thereafter machinery available for the work and then the clean track record respectively will be considered for selection. d) 24. DISCREPANCY IN TENDER PERCENTAGE QUOTED. 24.1 In case of any discrepancy between the overall tender percentage quoted in words and figures, the percentage quoted in words shall prevail. 25. PROCESS TO BE CONFIDENTIAL. 25.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Tenders and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the tender accepting authority has announced the award to the successful Bidder. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the processing of Tenders or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Tender. The percentages quoted by the bidders shall be kept confidential and it shall not be disclosed till his / their price bid is opened by the competent authority. Violation of such confidentiality the bid /bids will be rejected and such bidder will be debarred from participation in tenders for a period of ?1? year. 25.2 No Bidder shall contact the Tender Inviting Authority or any authority concerned with finalization of tenders on any matter relating to tender from the time of the Tender opening to the time the Contract is awarded 25.3 Before recommending / accepting the tender, the tender recommending / agreement concluding authority may verify the correctness of certificates submitted to meet the eligibility criteria and specifically experience. 25.4 Tenders will be finalized by the Executive Engineers for the works costing ECV less than or equal to Rs.50.00 Lakhs, Superintending Engineers in between Rs.50.00 Lakhs to 200.00 Lakhs, Chief Engineers & Engineer-in- Chief in between Rs.200.00 Lakhs to 1000.00 Lakhs. The tenders for the works costing ECV more than Rs.10.00 Crores will be referred to COT along with technical bid evaluation for consideration. The Commissionerate of tenders shall scrutinize the tenders submitted by Engineer-in-Chief / Chief Engineer / Project administrators in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the tender document and in case any discrepancy or non-adherence to the conditions, the same shall be communicated which will be binding both on the tender inviting authority and bidder. In case of any ambiguity the decision taken by the COT on tenders shall be final. F. AWARD OF CONTRACT 26. AWARD CRITERIA 26.1 The Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer or Engineer-in-Chief will award or recommend to the competent authority for award of the contract to the Bidder who is found technically qualified as per the Tender conditions and whose price bid is lowest. 26.2 The tender accepting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender or all tenders and to cancel the Tendering process, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the reasons for such action. 27. NOTIFICATION OF AWARD AND SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. 27.1 The Bidder whose Tender has been accepted will be notified of the award of the work by the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, prior to expiry of the Tender validity period by registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called ?Letter of Acceptance?) will indicate the sum that the Government will pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the ?Contract Amount?). 27.2 When a tender is accepted the concerned Bidder shall attend the office of the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer concerned on the date fixed in the Letter of acceptance. Upon intimation being given by the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, of acceptance of his tender, the bidder shall make payment of the balance E.M.D., by way of Demand Draft or unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee obtained from a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Commercial Bank, with a validity period of Agreement period + Defect Liability period, and sign an agreement in the form prescribed by the department for the due fulfillment of the contract. Failure to attend the Superintending Engineer?s / Executive Engineer?s office on the date fixed, in the written intimation, to enter into the required agreement shall entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money besides taking action as specified in Clause 29.3. The written agreement to be entered into between the contractor and the Government shall be the foundation of the rights and obligations of both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the agreement has first been signed by the contractor and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into contract on behalf of the Government. 27.3 The successful Bidder has to sign an agreement within a stipulated time from the date of receipt of communication of acceptance of his tender. On failure to do so his tender will be cancelled duly forfeiting the E.M.D., without issuing any further notice and action will be initiated for black listing the bidder. 28. CORRUPT OR FRAUDULENT PRACTICES 28.1 The Government requires that the Bidder / suppliers / contractors under Government financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Government define for the purpose of the provisions as follows. (a) ?Corrupt practices? means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a Government official in procurement process or in contract execution: and (b) ?Fraudulent practice? means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Government and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Tender submission) designed to establish in Tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Government of the benefits of free and open competition. (c) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question. (d) Will blacklist / or debar a firm, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, if at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a Government Contract. (e) Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions stated in the General Conditions of Contract. 30.0) The A.P.S.S. shall form part of the contract. He shall also carefully study the drawing and additional specifications and all the documents which form part of the contract be entered into by the successful Bidder. 30.1) Bidders attention is directed to requirements of materials under the clause materials and ?Workman ship? in the preliminary specifications. Material conforming to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) only shall be used on the work and the Bids shall quote his bid accordingly. 30.2) The Bidder has to do his own testing of materials and satisfy himself that they confirm to the specifications of respective B.I.S. codes before Bidding. 30.3) The contractor shall himself procure the required construction materials of approved quality including the earth for formation of embankment and water from source of his choice. 30.4) The contractor shall himself procure all materials required for the work well in advance.

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Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
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