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Tender ID 543234 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number EE/14/07/DIVISION-XI(RJNR)/GHMC/2024-25, Dt: 09-09-2024
Name of Work Re-Construction of Damaged compound wall at pleasant park in new friends colony in Ward-61 Attapur Div in Rajendranagar Circle-11, GHMC. (Rs. 5.40 Lakhs) Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 436277.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 13/09/2024 10:30 AM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 543234 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number EE/14/07/DIVISION-XI(RJNR)/GHMC/2024-25, Dt: 09-09-2024
Name of Project Others Name of Work Re-Construction of Damaged compound wall at pleasant park in new friends colony in Ward-61 Attapur Div in Rajendranagar Circle-11, GHMC. (Rs. 5.40 Lakhs)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 2
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
155 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 10/09/2024 10:30 AM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 13/09/2024 10:30 AM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Executive Engineer Bid Opening Authority Executive Engineer
Address Rajendranagar Circle Contact Details 9989930608
Email eec11.ghmc2@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.4363.00 Commissioner, GHMC Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 EMD COMMON Mandatory
2 The tenderer who have quoted over and above 25 percent less over ECV has to scan the DD towards ASD amount COMMON Mandatory
3 Any other documents required as per Tender Schedule. COMMON Optional
5 Registration Certification - For works costing more than 10 Lakhs, the bidders should upload Registration Certificate of Class IV (GHMC Registration) and above as per GO MS No 94, Dt 1.07.03 COMMON Mandatory
6 CC cutting for pipe line trench should be done with SAW CUTTING MACHINE only. (i.e. Straight line Cutting) No Excavator, JCB, Other Machinery should be used. COMMON Mandatory
7 For calculating 3AN-B, financial turnover in any one year during the last 10 years and works on hand shall be taken into account. IT Return for last 10 years along with 26 AS as filed in their Income Tax Return should be enclosed as per applicability. 3 AN-B must be more than bid capacity. COMMON Mandatory
8 If any fraudulent certification noticed during verification/ tender evaluation, action will be initiated against the contractor as per APDSS Rules. COMMON Mandatory
9 Tenderers shall furnish declaration that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh / Telangana / or in any other state in India. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the tenders so received will be rejected. Action will be initiated against the contractor as per APDSS Rules. COMMON Mandatory
10 For WORKS (above 5.00 lakhs) Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one year during the last 10 years updated Price levels taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. Turnover of the agency based on 26AS. COMMON Mandatory
11 Payments will be done as per seniority of the bill submitted and will be subject to the existence of adequate funds within the relevant head of account. Agency shall not request for priority payment in any case. Any such requests by the agencies will not be entertained by GHMC. COMMON Mandatory
12 Agencies shall not depend on payment of part bills to ensure completion of work on timely basis. Hence the agency shall not stop or slow down the work citing delays in payment of part bills. COMMON Mandatory
13 For all works costing Rs. 20.00 Lakh and below, there shall be only one bill i.e., first and final bill. No running account bills shall be paid to the agencies by GHMC in any circumstance. COMMON Mandatory
14 Violation of any of the above special conditions will make the agency liable for being recommended for demotion to a lower class / suspension of business / removal from approved list as per GOs in vogue. COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
1) Bids are invited on the e-procurement for the above-mentioned work from the Registared Contractors/Contracting firms registered in GHMC. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e., www.eprocurement.gov.in. 2) Contractors would be required to register to the e-procurement Market Place www.eprocurement.gov.in and submit their bids on line. The Department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. " 4) Any further information can be obtained from Executive Engineer, Rajendranagar CIRCLE-11 (5) Period of Completion of Work: days 6) The bidders can view/down load the tender documents from the "e" market place. 7) The dates stipulated in the tender notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extend. 8) The tendering opening authority will not consider any tender received after expiry of date and time fixed (As specified in NIT) for receipt of tenders. 9) Tenderers shall furnish declaration that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the tenders so received will be rejected. 10) The bidders should pay 0.04% of estimate contract value or Rs. 10,000/- whichever is less [or as decided by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh from time to time ] in the form of DD payable to M/S VUPADHI TECHNOLOGY. Should scan upload online towards transaction fee on e-procurement and hand over the same to Municipal Commissioner at the time handing over of the documents i.e. before opening of technical bid. 11)The work should be commenced within 3 days from the date of online intimation to the successful bidder as the work is emergency nature of work and if the work is not commenced immediately action will be taken as per APDSS clause - 60 Eligible contractor should have to sign before the Executive Engineer while entering into agreement which is mandatory immediately after receiving online intimation. Otherwise such eligible contractor may be deleted from the eligible list. 12) As the above work is emergency in nature, the work is herewith put for tender and the L1 bidder has to start the work immediately from the date of online intimation. 13) VAT Registration Certificate/ Clearance Certificate 14) The L1 bidder has to submit the insurance copy for the work awarded at the time concluding of agreement without fail. 16) Attested hard copies of above documents should be submitted to this office by L1 Bidder after issue of online intimation letter 17) If the L1 Bidder/ Contractor fails to conclude the Agreement and start the work within (30) days from the date of receipt of online intimation the work shall be cancelled without any further intimation and shall be recommended for Black Listing as per Circular Memo No. K3/TA-7/CE(M)/GHMC/2013-16, Dt. 07-01-2014 of the Commissioner, GHMC Orders. 19) The tenderer who have quoted over and above 25% less over ECV has to scan the DD towards ASD amount 20) As per Commissioner, GHMC, photographs shall be submitted before and after completion of work without fail during submission of bill. 21) As per Commissioner, GHMC, Quality of work should executed as per APDSS specifications 22) For works costing equal and more than 10 Lakhs, the bidders should upload Registration Certificate of Class IV (GHMC Registration) and above as per GO MS No 94, Dt 1.07.03 23) For the works earmarked of SC/ST/Individuals, Waddera/Sagara/Uppara Societies Latest Audit Report 24) The team of SC/ST Contractors include the individual SC/ST contractors, proprietor firms, partnership firms and private limited companies are exempted from payment of EMD only for the reserved items of works and for other items of works they have to pay 1 percent EMD 25) For SC/ST individual contractors have to submit Caste Certificate issued by the MRD/ Tahasildar 26) The works earmarked for SC,ST, WLCCs Societies will be allotted as per the terms and conditions specified in G.O.Ms.29, Dt. 26-05-2017, Irrigation and CAD (Reforms) Department . 27) GST / PAN CARD / IT Returns for Assessment year of any financial year i.e. from 2018-19 to 2022-23 / ADDRESS PROOF / PHONE NO 30) For calculating 3AN-B, financial turnover in any one year during the last 10 years and works on hand shall be taken into account. IT Return for last 10 years along with 26 AS as filed in their Income Tax Return should be enclosed as per applicability. 3 AN-B must be more than bid capacity. 31) If any fraudulent certification noticed during verification/ tender evaluation, action will be initiated against the contractor as per APDSS Rules. 32) For GENERAL WORKS (above 5.00 lakhs) Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one year during the last 10 years updated Price levels taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. Turnover of the agency based on 26AS. 33) Tenderers shall furnish declaration that they have not been blacklisted in any department in Andhra Pradesh / Telangana / or in any other state in India. Any wrong declaration in this regard which comes to notice at a later date will disqualify them and the tenders so received will be rejected. Action will be initiated against the contractor as per APDSS Rules. 34) Payments will be done as per seniority of the bill submitted and will be subject to the existence of adequate funds within the relevant head of account. Agency shall not request for priority payment in any case. Any such requests by the agencies will not be entertained by GHMC. 35) Agencies shall not depend on payment of part bills to ensure completion of work on timely basis. Hence the agency shall not stop or slow down the work citing delays in payment of part bills. 36) For all works costing Rs. 20.00 Lakh and below, there shall be only one bill i.e., first and final bill. No running account bills shall be paid to the agencies by GHMC in any circumstance. 37) Violation of any of the above special conditions will make the agency liable for being recommended for demotion to a lower class / suspension of business / removal from approved list as per GOs in vogue.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
1) Contractors having registration in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation 2) EMD to be paid by way of Crossed Demand Draft as mentioned above(i.e. 1% of ECV) drawn in favour of the Commissioner,GHMC. Along with bids and the balance EMD @ 1.5% Contract value to be paid at the time of concluding agreement. 3) Even while execution of the work, if it is found that the contractor had produced false/fake certificates of experience he will be black listed and the contract will be terminated. 5) IT Clearence certificate/IT Returns for Assessment year 6) The Demand Draft towards EMD should be taken after the date of issue of particular tender notice

Legal Terms & Conditions
As per tender document

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
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Enquiry Forms Stage Details
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S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 13/09/2024 10:45 AM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A