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Current Tender Details
Tender ID 543861 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E/5826/14/40/2024-25, Dt : 10-09-2024.
Name of Work Construction of Community Hall at Anitha Nagar in Ward.No.12 Mansoorabad of Hayath Nagar Circle-3, GHMC. Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 2690425.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 19/09/2024 03:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 543861 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number E/5826/14/40/2024-25, Dt : 10-09-2024.
Name of Project NIL Name of Work Construction of Community Hall at Anitha Nagar in Ward.No.12 Mansoorabad of Hayath Nagar Circle-3, GHMC.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 4
Type of Work Buildings Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Emergency Tender
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
953 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 12/09/2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 19/09/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 120

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids K RAMESH BABU Bid Opening Authority EXECUTIVE ENGINEER
Address NEAR MRO OFFICE, SAROORNAGAR Contact Details 8790374055
Email eec3.ghmc@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.26904.00 COMMISSIONER, GHMC Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certification COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD Online payment only. (Exemption for Reservation works for Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies.). COMMON Mandatory
3 EncloseTransaction Fee Details COMMON Mandatory
4 Copy of GST registration to be enclosed. COMMON Mandatory
5 The tenders will be evaluated as per G.O.Rt.No.294, Dt : 18-07-2020 for the works costing above Rs.5.00 lakhs upto 50.00 lakhs in which the bid capacity of the contractor will be calculated as per formula 3AN-B, the bid capacity should be greater than ECV for eligibility of the particular work. COMMON Mandatory
6 The contractor / agency is to submit the Annual Turnover Certificate in Civil Engineering works for consecutive last five years duly certified by the CHARTED ACCOUNTANT on the letter head and submit IT Saral, Profit & Loss Account, & Balance sheet statements and Form 26AS in support of turnover. The Turnover certificate issued by the Charted Accountant must specify the Turnover pertains to Civil w COMMON Mandatory
7 The contractor / agency is to submit the details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand in all other departments in addition to the works in GHMC in the statement-1 for evaluation of bid capacity and those who do not furnish the information will be summarily rejected. COMMON Mandatory
8 The information given in statement-1 is to be accurate and should cover all the works on hand if any of the information given found false/fabricated and if missed any works on hand liable for panel action such as disqualification or blacklisting or determination of contractor or any other action deemed fit. COMMON Mandatory
9 The bidder who has mentioned nil in statement -1 will be declared in eligible if found any source either from GHMC or any complainant will be disqualified and action will be initiated as per tender rules. COMMON Mandatory
10 As per Lr. No.Instructions/COT/EE/DEE-I/SO3/2019, Dt : 11-07-2019. The contractor should attach ?A Declaration as given below from the contractor shall also be taken on Rs.100/- NSJ paper and should be submitted to the tender approving authority at the time of submission of tender. (Registration Declaration). COMMON Mandatory
11 All the Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Community Societies & Individual Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies shall be followed as per 3AN-B GO Ms.No.59 Dt. 21-05-2018 will be followed in tender evaluation without any further correspondence. Only one work will be allotted to the agency on reservation basis. 2nd work will be allotted only after completion COMMON Mandatory
12 A.S.D should be paid for the remaining less percentage if the agency quotes more than 25 percent less over ECV at the time of concluding the agreement through online payment. COMMON Mandatory
13 Copy of PAN card along with a copy of latest Income Tax returns for the AY 2023-24 with proof of receipt COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
1. Registration Certification 2. EMD Online payment only. (Exemption for Reservation works for Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies.). 3. EncloseTransaction Fee Details 4. Copy of PAN card along with a copy of latest Income Tax returns for the AY 2023-24 with proof of receipt 5. Copy of GST registration to be enclosed. 6. The tenders will be evaluated as per G.O.Rt.No.294, Dt : 18-07-2020 for the works costing above Rs.5.00 lakhs upto 50.00 lakhs in which the bid capacity of the contractor will be calculated as per formula 3AN-B, the bid capacity should be greater than ECV for eligibility of the particular work. 7. The contractor / agency is to submit the Annual Turnover Certificate in Civil Engineering works for consecutive last five years duly certified by the CHARTED ACCOUNTANT on the letter head and submit IT Saral, Profit & Loss Account, & Balance sheet statements and Form 26AS in support of turnover. The Turnover certificate issued by the Charted Accountant must specify the Turnover pertains to Civil works only. 8. The contractor / agency is to submit the details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand in all other departments in addition to the works in GHMC in the statement-1 for evaluation of bid capacity and those who do not furnish the information will be summarily rejected. 9. The information given in statement-1 is to be accurate and should cover all the works on hand if any of the information given found false/fabricated and if missed any works on hand liable for panel action such as disqualification or blacklisting or determination of contractor or any other action deemed fit. 10. A.S.D should be paid for the remaining less percentage if the agency quotes more than 25 percent less over ECV at the time of concluding the agreement through online payment. 11. The bidder who has mentioned nil in statement -1 will be declared in eligible if found any source either from GHMC or any complainant will be disqualified and action will be initiated as per tender rules. 12. As per Lr. No.Instructions/COT/EE/DEE-I/SO3/2019, Dt : 11-07-2019. The contractor should attach ?A Declaration as given below from the contractor shall also be taken on Rs.100/- NSJ paper and should be submitted to the tender approving authority at the time of submission of tender. (Registration Declaration). 13. All the Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Community Societies & Individual Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies shall be followed as per 3AN-B GO Ms.No.59 Dt. 21-05-2018 will be followed in tender evaluation without any further correspondence. Only one work will be allotted to the agency on reservation basis. Second work will be allotted only after completion of 50% of the first work duly certified by concerned Executive Engineer. 14. Upload the Proof of Caste certificate for SC / ST / Waddera / Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies certificate issued by the Mandal Tahsildar. 15. All the SC/ST/WLCC Societies should upload i)Society Registration Certificate, ii)Latest Audit Reports & iii)Society Election Copies with Members Signatures. 16. As per Circular Memo No.CE(M)/TA-II/K8/2020-21/294 DT:26.06.2020

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
1. Registration Certification 2. EMD Online payment only. (Exemption for Reservation works for Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies.). 3. EncloseTransaction Fee Details 4. Copy of PAN card along with a copy of latest Income Tax returns for the AY 2023-24 with proof of receipt 5. Copy of GST registration to be enclosed. 6. The tenders will be evaluated as per G.O.Rt.No.294, Dt : 18-07-2020 for the works costing above Rs.5.00 lakhs upto 50.00 lakhs in which the bid capacity of the contractor will be calculated as per formula 3AN-B, the bid capacity should be greater than ECV for eligibility of the particular work. 7. The contractor / agency is to submit the Annual Turnover Certificate in Civil Engineering works for consecutive last five years duly certified by the CHARTED ACCOUNTANT on the letter head and submit IT Saral, Profit & Loss Account, & Balance sheet statements and Form 26AS in support of turnover. The Turnover certificate issued by the Charted Accountant must specify the Turnover pertains to Civil works only. 8. The contractor / agency is to submit the details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand in all other departments in addition to the works in GHMC in the statement-1 for evaluation of bid capacity and those who do not furnish the information will be summarily rejected. 9. The information given in statement-1 is to be accurate and should cover all the works on hand if any of the information given found false/fabricated and if missed any works on hand liable for panel action such as disqualification or blacklisting or determination of contractor or any other action deemed fit. 10. A.S.D should be paid for the remaining less percentage if the agency quotes more than 25 percent less over ECV at the time of concluding the agreement through online payment. 11. The bidder who has mentioned nil in statement -1 will be declared in eligible if found any source either from GHMC or any complainant will be disqualified and action will be initiated as per tender rules. 12. As per Lr. No.Instructions/COT/EE/DEE-I/SO3/2019, Dt : 11-07-2019. The contractor should attach ?A Declaration as given below from the contractor shall also be taken on Rs.100/- NSJ paper and should be submitted to the tender approving authority at the time of submission of tender. (Registration Declaration). 13. All the Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Community Societies & Individual Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies shall be followed as per 3AN-B GO Ms.No.59 Dt. 21-05-2018 will be followed in tender evaluation without any further correspondence. Only one work will be allotted to the agency on reservation basis. Second work will be allotted only after completion of 50% of the first work duly certified by concerned Executive Engineer. 14. Upload the Proof of Caste certificate for SC / ST / Waddera / Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies certificate issued by the Mandal Tahsildar. 15. All the SC/ST/WLCC Societies should upload i)Society Registration Certificate, ii)Latest Audit Reports & iii)Society Election Copies with Members Signatures. 16. As per Circular Memo No.CE(M)/TA-II/K8/2020-21/294 DT:26.06.2020

Legal Terms & Conditions
1. Registration Certification 2. EMD Online payment only. (Exemption for Reservation works for Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies.). 3. EncloseTransaction Fee Details 4. Copy of PAN card along with a copy of latest Income Tax returns for the AY 2023-24 with proof of receipt 5. Copy of GST registration to be enclosed. 6. The tenders will be evaluated as per G.O.Rt.No.294, Dt : 18-07-2020 for the works costing above Rs.5.00 lakhs upto 50.00 lakhs in which the bid capacity of the contractor will be calculated as per formula 3AN-B, the bid capacity should be greater than ECV for eligibility of the particular work. 7. The contractor / agency is to submit the Annual Turnover Certificate in Civil Engineering works for consecutive last five years duly certified by the CHARTED ACCOUNTANT on the letter head and submit IT Saral, Profit & Loss Account, & Balance sheet statements and Form 26AS in support of turnover. The Turnover certificate issued by the Charted Accountant must specify the Turnover pertains to Civil works only. 8. The contractor / agency is to submit the details of existing commitments i.e., works on hand in all other departments in addition to the works in GHMC in the statement-1 for evaluation of bid capacity and those who do not furnish the information will be summarily rejected. 9. The information given in statement-1 is to be accurate and should cover all the works on hand if any of the information given found false/fabricated and if missed any works on hand liable for panel action such as disqualification or blacklisting or determination of contractor or any other action deemed fit. 10. A.S.D should be paid for the remaining less percentage if the agency quotes more than 25 percent less over ECV at the time of concluding the agreement through online payment. 11. The bidder who has mentioned nil in statement -1 will be declared in eligible if found any source either from GHMC or any complainant will be disqualified and action will be initiated as per tender rules. 12. As per Lr. No.Instructions/COT/EE/DEE-I/SO3/2019, Dt : 11-07-2019. The contractor should attach ?A Declaration as given below from the contractor shall also be taken on Rs.100/- NSJ paper and should be submitted to the tender approving authority at the time of submission of tender. (Registration Declaration). 13. All the Individual SC/ ST/ Waddera/ Sagara Community Societies & Individual Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies shall be followed as per 3AN-B GO Ms.No.59 Dt. 21-05-2018 will be followed in tender evaluation without any further correspondence. Only one work will be allotted to the agency on reservation basis. Second work will be allotted only after completion of 50% of the first work duly certified by concerned Executive Engineer. 14. Upload the Proof of Caste certificate for SC / ST / Waddera / Sagara Contractors, Proprietary ship/ Partnerships & Labour contract Co-op Societies certificate issued by the Mandal Tahsildar. 15. All the SC/ST/WLCC Societies should upload i)Society Registration Certificate, ii)Latest Audit Reports & iii)Society Election Copies with Members Signatures. 16. As per Circular Memo No.CE(M)/TA-II/K8/2020-21/294 DT:26.06.2020

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 19/09/2024 03:30 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A