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Tender ID 544573 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number CRP/CVL/RG-II/TN-46/2024-25 DT.14.09.2024
Name of Work Civil engineering works such as chain link mesh fencing, providing pathways, kerb wall, construction of shed for store and watchmen, water sumps, drilling of borewells and providing of internal water supply works for development of Eco park and mine tourism at Penchikalpet village, RG II Area, peddapalli dist. T.G. Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 25571333.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 30/09/2024 04:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 544573 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number CRP/CVL/RG-II/TN-46/2024-25 DT.14.09.2024
Name of Project Civil engineering works such as chain link mesh fencing, providing pathways, kerb wall, construction of shed for store and watchmen, water sumps, drilling of borewells and providing of internal water supply works for development of Eco park and mine tourism at Penchikalpet village, RG2, peddapalli dist. T.G. Name of Work Civil engineering works such as chain link mesh fencing, providing pathways, kerb wall, construction of shed for store and watchmen, water sumps, drilling of borewells and providing of internal water supply works for development of Eco park and mine tourism at Penchikalpet village, RG II Area, peddapalli dist. T.G.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 06
Type of Work Civil Engineering Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 1
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S

Transaction Fee Details
9053 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 14/09/2024 08:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 30/09/2024 04:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 120

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids GM(CIVIL) Bid Opening Authority GM(CIVIL)
Address SCCL Head office, Kothagudem Contact Details 08744245724
Email gm_cvl@scclmines.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.274000.00 SCCL Exempted,Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Letter of bid COMMON Mandatory
2 Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed during the preceding ten financial years including current financial year in Statement-I with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
3 Details of physical quantities executed during the preceding ten financial years including current financial year in Statement-II with supporting certificates. COMMON Mandatory
4 Details of value of Civil Engineering works during the the preceding ten financial years including current financial year in Statement-III with supporting certificates for assessing bid capacity. COMMON Mandatory
5 Details of existing commitments, i.e., works on hand etc., in Statement-IV with Supporting Certificates. COMMON Mandatory
6 In case of firms, registered partnership deed and Registration Certificate In case of Limited Company, Registration Certificate issued by Registrar of Companies, the articles of Association COMMON Optional
7 Joint Venture((JV) agreement, if applicable COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
THOUGH POSSESSING OF LIQUID ASSETS/CREDIT FACILITIES IS SHOWN AS MANDATORY IN ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA SCREEN, THE SAME IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR THIS WORK. I. PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE. Only those contractors/ firms who have experience in execution of similar magnitude of works shall be eligible. Documentary evidence obtained from State/ Central Government departments or Public Sector Undertakings clearly indicating financial year-wise amount of works/ prime item quantities executed by the tenderer with full details shall be uploaded online along with tender in statements I & II provided in tender document. Financial Turnover: The tenderers have to show a value not less than Rs 2,55,71,333/- on all civil works in any one financial year during the preceding nine financial years or current financial year (i.e., 2015-16 to 2024-25). The cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 10% per year (without compounding) to bring them to price level of current financial year, i.e., 2024-25. Prime item quantity: The agencies should also present experience of having executed the following quantities as prime items in any one financial year during the preceding nine financial years or current financial year (i.e., 2015-16 to 2024-25): All types of cement concrete works: 1023 Cum Bid Capacity: The bidder should have available bid capacity more than Rs 2,55,71,333/-. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under. 2AN ? B where A = Maximum value of civil works executed in any one year in preceding nine financial years or current financial year. N = Time period prescribed for the subject work in number of years B = Updated value of all existing commitments during the contract period of the subject tender. Price updation @10% per year (without compounding) shall be applied to turnover (A) & existing commitments (B) for each completed year to bring the same to current year price level. Note: For this, bidder should furnish documentary proof established by either Chartered Accountant certificate clearly mentioning the turnover in Civil Engineering works only (duly supported with I.T. returns of the bidder) or from experience certificates obtained from clients and furnish details in Statement-III & IV given in tender document and upload the same while bidding. E.M.D i) The EMD shall be 2.50% of the estimated cost for performance of contract. Initial EMD (1% of estimated cost), as mentioned in the table above shall be paid online along with the tender using Net banking/ RTGS/ NEFT from their registered bank accounts (or) using Credit Card/ Debit Card as per the VISA/ MASTER Card guidelines (or)in the form of BG. ii) In case of bank guarantees, the instruments are to be drawn on any of the Public Sector Banks/ Private Banks incorporated in India having net worth of Rs. 5,000 Crores and above for the previous financial Year. The BG submitted as per the format enclosed at the end of the tender document should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening of technical bids. On the request of SCCL, the tenderers may have to extend the validity of BGs beyond 120 days till the tenders are finalized/ contract awarded. iii) The following are exempted from payment of initial EMD. (a) All Government undertakings. (b) Firms registered under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, State Industries Dept having appropriate National Industrial Classification Code/National Small-Scale Industries Corporation (NSSIC). The bidders claiming exemption from payment of initial EMD shall ensure possessing National Industrial Classification Code of 42909 or 42209 in their MSME/NSSIC Registration Certificate and upload the scanned copy of documents in support of exemption during bid submission online. In case of participation in tender as Joint Venture and willing to avail initial EMD exemption, all the partners of JV shall have MSME Registration possessing National Industrial Classification Code of 42909 or 42209 and shall upload proof of the same in support of exemption during bid submission online. However, if they are happened to be L1 & successful bidder, similar to all other bidders, they have to submit total EMD (2� % of estimated cost) as Performance Guarantee in the form of FDR/BG in favour of SCCL. iv) Failure to upload requisite documents towards EMD or uploading of MSME registration under National Industrial Classification Code with reference to nature of the subject work/NSIC as specified above, such bids will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. v) If the successful tenderer has paid initial EMD online or through BG or exempted from payment of initial EMD, they shall pay full EMD of 2�% of estimated cost for performance of the contract and to be paid in the form of DD/FDR/BG in favour of S.C.Co.Ltd at the time of executing the agreement. In case of Bank Guarantees, they are to be drawn on any Public Sector Banks/ Private Banks incorporated in India having net worth of Rs.5,000 Crores and above for the previous financial Year. In case the value of Bank Guarantee is amounting to Rs.5.00 lakh or above it should be obtained from/ operational for all purposes at their bank branches situated at Kothagudem/ Hyderabad. The BG towards EMD (2.50% of estimated cost) should be valid for a period of 33 (thirty three) months (i.e., period of completion plus defect liability period plus 3 months)

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
II. TENDERING PROCEDURE: The tender is floated with double packet system viz., Technical Bid and Price Bid. Technical Bid shall contain the documents in support of EMD, competence of the tenderer etc. All the documents shall be self attested by the bidder. A check list is provided in the end of the tender document. The bidders are expected to fill in the same and upload along with the tender for ensuring submission of all documents. Price Bid is provided in 2 parts. Part-A contains Schedule of quantities and rates for Cement & Steel to be issued by SCCL on Sale Invoice. Bidder is not allowed to quote for this and hence not uploaded on e-procurement. Bidders are requested to go through special clauses provided in Part-A. Part-B contains schedule of quantities and rates for other construction items and uploaded on e-procurement to enable the bidders to quote their uniform percentage on this. Notwithstanding anything stated above, THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED reserves the right to assess the capability and capacity of intending tenderers to perform the contract. The ceiling of tender premium for Part-B shall be 5% for this work. Percentage quoted by bidder shall not be disclosed before opening of price bid. Violation of such confidentiality will attract rejection of bid. In case of firms, they should submit the registered partnership deed and Registration Certificate issued by Registrar of firms. In case of Limited Company, Registration Certificate issued by Registrar of Companies, the Articles of Association etc., are also to be submitted. DISCOUNT TENDERS & Additional FSD: In the event of discount tenders, which are less by (-) 25% of the estimated contract value of Part-B, a bank guarantee or demand draft/ FDR in favour of S.C.Co.Ltd for the difference between the tendered amount and 75% of the estimated contract value of Part ?B? should be paid as additional further security deposit by the successful bidder at the time of agreement. The bidder shall scan and upload all the required documents/ certificates/ statements. Technical bid evaluation is solely based on the uploaded certificates. Clarification will be obtained in respect of uploaded documents only, if required. The bidder is liable to be disqualified and debarred, if false information is furnished in the forms/ statements/ certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements and misled the company. If discrepancies are found even during the execution of work, the contract will be terminated duly forfeiting the security deposits. Further action will be taken as per Company procedures. e-Procurement Transaction Fee: The participating bidder should pay e-procurement Transaction Fee @ 0.03% on the estimated contract value i.e. Part-B of the work subject to prevailing ceiling amounts along with GST online to TSTS. Further, successful bidder has to pay e-procurement corpus fund at 0.04% of Estimated Contract Value i.e. Part-B of the work subject to prevailing ceiling amounts to TSTS through online on e-procurement portal within a stipulated period. Dates for submission/ opening of bids: (a) Bid submission start date & time : 14.09.2024 08.00 PM (b) Bid submission closing date & time : 30.09.2024 04.30 PM (c) Technical bids opening date & time : 30.09.2024 05.00 PM (d) Price bids opening date & time : 07.10.2024 04.30 PM The tenderer has to keep his tender valid for 120 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid. Technical Bid will be opened on the due date. The Price Bid of only those tenderers, who are found qualified in Technical Bid, will be opened after technical evaluation of the bids is completed. The date of opening of price bid mentioned is only indicative date. In case of any extension of last date for submission of bids/ date of opening of technical bids, suitable corrigendum will be published in the e-procurement platform. Selection of L1 bidder among the lowest and equally quoted bidders will be in the following order. a) The tenderer whose bid capacity is higher will be selected. b) In case the bid capacity is also same the tenderer whose annual turnover on all Civil works established by experience certificates will be preferred. c) Even if the criteria incidentally become the same, tenderer who establishes execution of more quantities of prime items will be considered for selection. Submission of original documents: The department will notify the successful bidder for submission of originals of uploaded documents while bidding (which includes EMD instrument) for verification and to pay e-procurement Corpus fund to TSTS authorities through online on e-procurement portal within a stipulated period. If any successful bidder fails to submit the above i.e., original documents and proof of payment of e-procurement corpus fund to TSTS within the stipulated time, they will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-procurement for a period of three years, forfeiting EMD and debarring for one year from participating in SCCL tenders (Off line & outsourcing tenders also). If the bidder is a JV firm, above action will be taken against all the individual partners of JV firm. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. The successful tenderer shall submit self attested copy of GST registration certificate/ PAN card at the time of executing the agreement. The successful tenderer (in case of individual Contractor/ Proprietary firm) at the time of executing the agreement has to mandatorily furnish the details of family members/ dependents including nomination for disbursement of pending bills/ amounts in case of his unfortunate death during tenure of the contract.

Legal Terms & Conditions
III. OTHER INFORMATION TO THE BIDDER: If the contractor desires to submit sub-contracting experience, the same should be established by experience certificate from the same authorities of State/ Central Government departments or Public Sector Undertakings duly supported by agreement for sub-contract. Joint Venture (JV): Participation by Joint Venture (JV) is allowed for this work. The partners constituting a Joint Venture for the purpose of jointly participating in the bidding process for the subject tender should comply with criteria mentioned elsewhere in the tender document and submit the agreement as per the given proforma. Mobilisation Advance is not applicable for this work. Price Adjustment Clause is not applicable for this work. Defect liability period for this work is TWO YEARS. SCCL reserves certain tenders for civil works (not outsourcing works) with value up to Rs.1 Cr. for contractors belonging to SC/ST/Waddera or Sagara or Uppara communities as per G.O.Ms.No.59. The technical evaluation report will not be made available to the participants. It is solely the company?s confidential document and the participants shall have no claim what so ever under any circumstances for the same. The undersigned reserves the right to accept any tender in full or in part or to reject any or all tenders without assigning reasons. On award of the work, if the contractor fails to execute the work within the stipulated time, or fails to show substantial progress as per the programme submitted by contractor at the time of Agreement on various items of work given in schedule of quantities, the SCCL is at liberty to order the contractor to discontinue the work forthwith and terminate the work by imposing consequential penalties mentioned in the tender document.

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 30/09/2024 05:00 PM
2 Commercial Stage 07/10/2024 04:30 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard Yes No Statement-III
PQ Stage Work Done as a Prime Contractor Standard Yes No Statement-II
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard Yes No Statement-IV
PQ Stage Similar Work Details Standard Yes No Statement-I
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A