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Tender ID 546356 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 19/EE/CIR-6/CRZ/GHMC/2024-25 Dated : 23.09.2024 (Item No. 10)
Name of Work Construction of Frist Floor for Azampura Ward Office at Tennis play ground in Azampura Div-28, Circ-6, CRZ, GHMC, (Rs. 30.00 Lakhs) Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 2464015.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 03/10/2024 12:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 546356 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 19/EE/CIR-6/CRZ/GHMC/2024-25 Dated : 23.09.2024 (Item No. 10)
Name of Project Engineering work Name of Work Construction of Frist Floor for Azampura Ward Office at Tennis play ground in Azampura Div-28, Circ-6, CRZ, GHMC, (Rs. 30.00 Lakhs)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Civil Engineering Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
873 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 25/09/2024 04:30 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 03/10/2024 12:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids M Peer Singh Bid Opening Authority Executive Engineer
Address Malakpet Hyderabad-T.S Contact Details 9154960551
Email eec6.ghmc@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.24640.00 Commissioner,GHMC Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certification COMMON Mandatory
2 Details of Existing Commitments i.e., Works on Hand and Works for which tenders are submitted. COMMON Mandatory
3 Certificate of GST, PAN COMMON Mandatory
4 Works will not be allotted to those Contractors/Agencies, who are having pending works in this Circle-6. COMMON Mandatory
5 Works on hand for bid capacity: (3AN-B) must be more than bid capacity for works costing more than Rs. 5.00 Lakhs, the tenders will be evaluated strictly. COMMON Mandatory
6 The Reservations to SC/ST, Waddera and Uppera Labour societies have been allotted as per GO.Ms.59 Dated :21.05.2018, Caste Certificate should be uploaded. COMMON Mandatory
7 1 1/2% EMD and ASD hard copies, should be obtained after the date of tender allotment and the same should be submitted to this office immediately within 3 days failing which or if any variation is noticed, you shall be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years as per GO Ms No.174 of I & CAD (PW-Reforms) Department Dt.01.09.2008. COMMON Mandatory
8 For all work casting Rs. 20.00 Lakhs and below there shall be one and only (1st & Final) COMMON Mandatory
9 The Work should be started immediately after Tender Opening, failing which the Agency/Contractor for the work will be cancelled without any Notice. Hence Agency/Contractor COMMON Mandatory
10 ITR-V for the Assessment Year 2021-22 or 2022-23 should be uploaded. COMMON Mandatory
11 The contractor / agency is to submit the annual turnover (Civil Contract Works only) certificate duly certified by the charted accountant and on the letter head UDIN number is must be provided and the turnover is match in the online, variations of the turnover in the online the tender will be rejected. COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
a 1. If the tender is made by an individual it shall be signed with his full name and address shall be given. If it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a member of the firm who shall also sign his own name and the name and address of each member of the firm shall be given. If a corporation makes the tender, a duly authorized officer who shall produce with his tender satisfactory evidence of the authorization shall sign it. Such tendering corporation may be required, before the contract is executed to furnish evidence of its corporate existence. In the case of proprietary or partnership firm, it will be necessary to produce the certificate as per pre mentioned for the proprietors and for each of the partners as the case may be. 2. The experience and income tax certificate shall be in the same name and style as the applicant of this tender. 3. Payment of E.M.D. 4. VAT Certificate with Tin No. 5. The tenderer should however pay the balance E.M.D totaling to @ 2.5% of estimate/ contract value which ever is higher at the time of signing the agreement in the shape of crossed D.D. Further an amount @ 7 % according to clause 68 of the standard preliminary specification of the Andhra Pradesh standard specification shall be retained as security for the due fulfillment of the contract while paying for the work done. 6. Validity of Tenders a) The tenders received will be decided within a period of three months from the last date prescribed for the receipt of the tender and decision regarding acceptance of tender will be intimated within the said period. During the above-mentioned period no plea by the Tenderer for any sort of modification of the tender based upon are arising of any alleged misunderstanding or mistake or any other reason will be entertained. b) When the tender is under consideration, the earnest money deposited by the tenderer will be forfeited to the MCH in the event of such tenderer either modifying or with drawing his tender at his instance with in the said validity period. 7) VAT (Value Added Tax): Value added tax during the currency of the contract deduction towards Andhra Pradesh Value added tax Act 2005 according to which tax @ 4% has to be deducted at source, while making payments to the contractor. The contractor should produce a valid VAT Clearance Certificate before the payment of the final bill; otherwise payment to the contractor will be withheld. 8) It is clarified that the provision of Over Heads and Contractors Profit @ 14% as approved by the BoCE's in Common SOR-2010-11 for all the data items of the estimates may be allowed for the original nature of works subjected to the fulfilment of the conditions given below: 1. Site accommodation, setting up plant, acces road, water supply, electricity and general site arrangements. 2. Office Furniture, equipment and communications. 3. Expenditure on: (A)Corporate Office of Contractor. (B) Technical agents for site supervision (C) Documentation and "as built" drawings (D) Mobilisation/de-mobilisation of resourses. (E) Labour camps with minium amenities and transportation to work sites (F) Light VEhicles for site Supervision including administrative and managerial requirements. (G) Laboratory equipment and quality control including field and laboratory testing. (H) Minor T&P and Survey instruments and setting outworks, including verification of line, dimension etc., (I) Watch and Ward (J) Traffic Management / Safety management during construction. (K) Expenditure on safeguarding enviroment. (4) Sundries (5) Financing Expenditure (6) Sales/Turn overtax (Material VAT) (7) Work Insurance / compensation NOTE : The 14% of Contractor Profit is aplicable on adopting the above conditions for every work. Subject to the condition. (Any way the 14% Contractor Profit is already included in the rates given) S P E C I A L C O N D I T I O N S 1. The Societies should invariably upload Audit and Tax Clearance certificate of Financial Year and also to the individuals for the reserved works. Failing which no work will be entrusted to them as per the Clause 103 of the Agreement Bond. 2. The agencies should scan and upload the DDs separately for each work failing which their tender will not be considered. 3. The Waddera Labour societies are exempted from payment of EMD only for the reserved items of works and for other items of works they have to pay 1% EMD, maximum 2 Nos of works will be accepted for each society only. 4. EMD and ASD DDs should be drawn after date of issuing Tender Notice 5. All the individuals/ Societies should upload 1% EMD for other than reserved works at the time of uploading tender. Eligiblity of Registered Contractors: 1) Class II : GO Ms No 521, Dt 10.12.84 2) Class III : GO Ms No 132, Dt 11.08.98 3) Class IV : GO Ms No 94, Dt 1.07.03 4) Class V : GO Ms No 94, Dt 1.07.03

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
Tender Document

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Tender Document

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
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Enquiry Forms Stage Details
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S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 03/10/2024 12:10 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A