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Tender ID 546557 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 09/ZM/MDCL-SDPT/TSIIC/2024-25 Dt.26.09.2024
Name of Work Construction of compound wall at open space Ph-III IP Cherlapally Medchal Malkajgiri Dist (Under IALA funds) Tender Category Works
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value 1800366.00
Bid Submission Closing Date 03/10/2024 05:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage
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Enquiry Particulars
Tender ID 546557 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 09/ZM/MDCL-SDPT/TSIIC/2024-25 Dt.26.09.2024
Name of Project C WALL Name of Work Construction of compound wall at open space Ph-III IP Cherlapally Medchal Malkajgiri Dist (Under IALA funds)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
Package number N/A Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 2
Type of Work Civil Works Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Emergency Tender
Tender Category WORKS Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details
638 (INR)
Tender Dates
Bid Submission Start Date & Time 26/09/2024 05:00 PM Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 03/10/2024 05:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars
Officer Inviting Bids Zonal Manager TSIIC Ltd Medchal Siddipet Zone Bid Opening Authority Zonal Manager TSIIC Ltd Medchal Siddipet Zone
Address Zonal office, Near Shapur Nagar bus stop, IDA Jeedimetla Contact Details 9346965008
Email 1@gmail.com

Bid Security Details
Bid Security (INR) Bid Security In Favour Of Mode of Payment EMD Applicable
Rs.18100.00 TSIIC Ltd Online Payment,Challan Generation

Process Fee Details
Process Fee Process Fee Payable To
2360.00(INR) TSIIC Ltd

Required Tender Documents Details
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Transaction Fee Details COMMON Mandatory
2 Latest Income Tax Document, PAN & latest SARAL with supported balance sheets COMMON Mandatory
3 Qualification certificate of key personnel in Statement-VI COMMON Mandatory
4 Valid solvency certificate COMMON Mandatory
5 Statement-I to VIII. COMMON Mandatory
6 Proof of Provident Fund registration COMMON Mandatory
7 In technical bid the tenderers shall furnish the credentials by a declaration on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- as per the Proforma under Check list Annexure I duly supported with proof of evidence of all the above certificates COMMON Mandatory
8 GST Registration certificate COMMON Mandatory
9 EMD & Processing Fee Details COMMON Mandatory
10 Valid Registration certificate of Class-V and above from any of the Circle/Department COMMON Mandatory
11 The availability of Key / critical construction / quality control equipment in Statement-V either Own or lease certificate COMMON Mandatory
12 Latest Annual Turn over certificate certified by CA or issued by Excecuting Authority COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility
QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OPENING OF THE PRICE BID. To qualify for opening the Price Bid, the bidders in their name should have 1) Contractor registration in appropriate class. a) G.O.MS No 178,I&CAD dated 27-9-1997 : V b) G.O.MS No 132,T,R&B dated 11-8-1998 : V c) G.O.MS 8, T, R&B dated 8-1-2003 : Class V d) G.O.MS No 94, I&CAD dated 1-7-2003 : Class V e)G.O.MS No 66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015 : Class V & above NOTE: The Statutory taxes as applicable. Note: Contractors registered in appropriate class in Central government, other State government departments and undertakings are also eligible. Contractor possess valid Class-I Electrical registration and Grade A registration from GoTS/AP 2) Proof of P F registration. 3) Satisfactorily completed as a PRIME CONTRACTOR, group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) with a total value not less than Rs.Nil As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) [at current price level ] in any one year during last ten years or current financial year (As specified in NIT). Note: The cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 4) Executed, in any one year, the following minimum physical quantities (As specified in NIT). Sl.No Description of Item of work Quantity Nil (As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) 5) Each bidder should further demonstrate (As specified in NIT): i) Availability (either owned or leased) of following key and critical equipment for this work. S. No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum No. required. 1 Note: The major equipment to attain the completion of works in accordance with the prescribed construction schedule is shown in the above table. ii) Availability of the Key personnel Graduate Engineer(Civil) 1 No.s and Diploma Holders(Civil) 2 No.s AS per tender document Contractors posssess valid Registration along with Self Electrical and Public Health Registration certificates under appropriate Class with State/Central Government departments and undertakings. iii)Liquid assets / credit facilities of not less than Rs.27.01 Lakhs (Credit limits / letter of credit / latest solvency certificate from banks etc.,). The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. 6) Bid capacity. The tenderer who meets the above qualification criteria and whose available bid capacity is more than the estimated contract value will be qualified for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity : 2AN-B.(As mentioned in Tender Document) Annual turnover, cost of completed works and balance works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. Note: The experience gained in a registered JV firm to the extent of the tenderers share shall be considered, if the tenderer happens to be the lead partner. Even though the tenderers meet the above qualifying criteria, they are liable to be disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted, if they have a) furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements. b) Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon. c) Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc. d) Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably and Even while execution of the work, if found that the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience, the Contractor will be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS. 7) Tenders with an excess of above 5% of the estimated contract value shall summarily be rejected. 8) For tenders up to 15% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required. But for tenders beyond less than 15% of the estimated Contract Value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimated contract value, shall be paid by the successful tenderer at the time of concluding agreement as an additional security through a Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft on a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled bank to fulfill the contract. 9) General Terms & Conditions The following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned, uploaded and attached online on to the e-procurement platform at www.eprocurement.gov.in a) Contractors valid registration certificate under appropriate class with any State or Central Government Departments and undertakings. b) Proof of Provident Fund registration c) Latest IT returns filed along with copy of PAN. d) Registration GST e) Value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last ten financial years or current financial year in the tenderers name in Statement-I along with supporting certificates as specified. f)The details of group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) executed as Prime Contractor(in the same name) during the last ten years, showing year wise break up of value of work executed in Statement-II with supporting certificates. g)The physical quantities of specified items executed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) in the last ten financial years or current financial year with year wise break up work wise in Statement-III duly supported with work done certificates. h) Details of existing commitments(i.e. works on hand) with supporting certificates in Statement-IV. i) The availability of Key / critical construction / quality control equipment in Statement-V. j) The availability of Key personnel in Statement-VI. k) The information on litigation history in Statement-VII. l) Proof of possessing Liquid assets credit facility as specified for the required amount. The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. m) DD towards Earnest Money Deposit ( As indicated in NIT) n) DD towards processing fee (As indicated in NIT) o) Proof of GST Registration p) List of Certificates enclosed in Statement VIII Note : The tenderer shall be required to furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copy supplied by them are genuine. Any incorrectness / deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will be initiated including suspension of business. 10) The processing fee and transaction fee neither be refunded nor adjusted, under any circumstances. 11) In technical bid the tenderers shall furnish the credentials by a declaration on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- as per the Proforma under Check list Annexure I duly supported with proof of evidence of all the above certificates. 12) The price bid of those tenderers who fulfill the qualification criteria will only be opened and considered for award of work. 13) The Zonal Manager, TSIIC Ltd., Medchal-Siddipet ZOne reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders or to accept any tender wholly or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever. 14) The tenderer shall hand over the hard copies of uploaded documents / certificates duly signed to the Zonal Manager directly or through his authorized representative or by Registered post or by Courier Service so as to reach at least one day before opening of price bids.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)
QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OPENING OF THE PRICE BID. To qualify for opening the Price Bid, the bidders in their name should have 1) Contractor registration in appropriate class. a) G.O.MS No 178,I&CAD dated 27-9-1997 : V b) G.O.MS No 132,T,R&B dated 11-8-1998 : V c) G.O.MS 8, T, R&B dated 8-1-2003 : Class V d) G.O.MS No 94, I&CAD dated 1-7-2003 : Class V e)G.O.MS No 66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015 : Class V & above NOTE : AS PER GO No.94 The contractors of Special Class, Class. I, Class. II and Class.III are eligible to take up the works throughout the State. The contractors of Class. IV and Class. V can tender for works only within the circle where registration is done Note: Contractors registered in appropriate class in Central government, other State government departments and undertakings are also eligible. Contractor possess valid Class-I Electrical registration and Grade A registration from GoTS/AP 2) Proof of P F registration. 3) Satisfactorily completed as a PRIME CONTRACTOR, group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) with a total value not less than Rs.Nil As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) [at current price level ] in any one year during last ten years or current financial year (As specified in NIT). Note: The cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 4) Executed, in any one year, the following minimum physical quantities (As specified in NIT). Sl.No Description of Item of work Quantity Nil (As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) 5) Each bidder should further demonstrate (As specified in NIT): i) Availability (either owned or leased) of following key and critical equipment for this work. S. No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum No. required. 1 Note: The major equipment to attain the completion of works in accordance with the prescribed construction schedule is shown in the above table. ii) Availability of the Key personnel Graduate Engineer(Civil) 1 No.s Diploma Holders(Civil) 2 No.s AS per tender document Contractors posssess valid Registration along with Self Electrical and Public Health Registration certificates under appropriate Class with State/Central Government departments and undertakings. iii)Liquid assets / credit facilities of not less than Rs.27.01 Lakhs (Credit limits / letter of credit / latest solvency certificate from banks etc.,). The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. 6) Bid capacity. The tenderer who meets the above qualification criteria and whose available bid capacity is more than the estimated contract value will be qualified for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity : 2AN-B.(As mentioned in Tender Document) Annual turnover, cost of completed works and balance works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. Note: The experience gained in a registered JV firm to the extent of the tenderers share shall be considered, if the tenderer happens to be the lead partner. Even though the tenderers meet the above qualifying criteria, they are liable to be disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted, if they have a) furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements. b) Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon. c) Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc. d) Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably and Even while execution of the work, if found that the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience, the Contractor will be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS. 7) Tenders with an excess of above 5% of the estimated contract value shall summarily be rejected. 8) For tenders up to 15% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required. But for tenders beyond less than 15% of the estimated Contract Value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimated contract value, shall be paid by the successful tenderer at the time of concluding agreement as an additional security through a Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft on a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled bank to fulfill the contract. 9) General Terms & Conditions The following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned, uploaded and attached online on to the e-procurement platform at www.eprocurement.gov.in a) Contractors valid registration certificate under appropriate class with any State or Central Government Departments and undertakings. b) Proof of Provident Fund registration c) Latest IT returns filed along with copy of PAN. d) Registration GST e) Value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last ten financial years or current financial year in the tenderers name in Statement-I along with supporting certificates as specified. f)The details of group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) executed as Prime Contractor(in the same name) during the last ten years, showing year wise break up of value of work executed in Statement-II with supporting certificates. g)The physical quantities of specified items executed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) in the last ten financial years or current financial year with year wise break up work wise in Statement-III duly supported with work done certificates. h) Details of existing commitments(i.e. works on hand) with supporting certificates in Statement-IV. i) The availability of Key / critical construction / quality control equipment in Statement-V. j) The availability of Key personnel in Statement-VI. k) The information on litigation history in Statement-VII. l) Proof of possessing Liquid assets credit facility as specified for the required amount. The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. m) DD towards Earnest Money Deposit ( As indicated in NIT) n) DD towards processing fee (As indicated in NIT) o) Proof of GST Registration p) List of Certificates enclosed in Statement VIII Note : The tenderer shall be required to furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copy supplied by them are genuine. Any incorrectness / deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will be initiated including suspension of business. 10) The processing fee and transaction fee neither be refunded nor adjusted, under any circumstances. 11) In technical bid the tenderers shall furnish the credentials by a declaration on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- as per the Proforma under Check list Annexure I duly supported with proof of evidence of all the above certificates. 12) The price bid of those tenderers who fulfill the qualification criteria will only be opened and considered for award of work. 13) The Zonal Manager, TSIIC Ltd., Medchal-Siddipet ZOne reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders or to accept any tender wholly or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever. 14) The tenderer shall hand over the hard copies of uploaded documents / certificates duly signed to the Zonal Manager directly or through his authorized representative or by Registered post or by Courier Service so as to reach at least one day before opening of price bids.

Legal Terms & Conditions
QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OPENING OF THE PRICE BID. To qualify for opening the Price Bid, the bidders in their name should have 1) Contractor registration in appropriate class. a) G.O.MS No 178,I&CAD dated 27-9-1997 : V b) G.O.MS No 132,T,R&B dated 11-8-1998 : V c) G.O.MS 8, T, R&B dated 8-1-2003 : Class V d) G.O.MS No 94, I&CAD dated 1-7-2003 : Class V e)G.O.MS No 66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015 : Class V & above NOTE : AS PER GO No.94 The contractors of Special Class, Class. I, Class. II and Class.III are eligible to take up the works throughout the State. The contractors of Class. IV and Class. V can tender for works only within the circle where registration is done Note: Contractors registered in appropriate class in Central government, other State government departments and undertakings are also eligible. Contractor possess valid Class-I Electrical registration and Grade A registration from GoTS/AP 2) Proof of P F registration. 3) Satisfactorily completed as a PRIME CONTRACTOR, group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) with a total value not less than Rs.Nil As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) [at current price level ] in any one year during last ten years or current financial year (As specified in NIT). Note: The cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. 4) Executed, in any one year, the following minimum physical quantities (As specified in NIT). Sl.No Description of Item of work Quantity Nil (As per G.O MS.No.66, I& CAD (REFORMS) Dept, dt:20.04.2015) 5) Each bidder should further demonstrate (As specified in NIT): i) Availability (either owned or leased) of following key and critical equipment for this work. S. No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum No. required. 1 Note: The major equipment to attain the completion of works in accordance with the prescribed construction schedule is shown in the above table. ii) Availability of the Key personnel Graduate Engineer(Civil) 1 No.s Diploma Holders(Civil) 2 No.s AS per tender document Contractors posssess valid Registration along with Self Electrical and Public Health Registration certificates under appropriate Class with State/Central Government departments and undertakings. iii)Liquid assets / credit facilities of not less than Rs.27.01 Lakhs (Credit limits / letter of credit / latest solvency certificate from banks etc.,). The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. 6) Bid capacity. The tenderer who meets the above qualification criteria and whose available bid capacity is more than the estimated contract value will be qualified for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Available Bid Capacity : 2AN-B.(As mentioned in Tender Document) Annual turnover, cost of completed works and balance works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage of 10% per year to bring them to current price level. Note: The experience gained in a registered JV firm to the extent of the tenderers share shall be considered, if the tenderer happens to be the lead partner. Even though the tenderers meet the above qualifying criteria, they are liable to be disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted, if they have a) furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and annexures submitted in proof of the qualification requirements. b) Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon. c) Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc. d) Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably and Even while execution of the work, if found that the work was awarded to the Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience, the Contractor will be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS. 7) Tenders with an excess of above 5% of the estimated contract value shall summarily be rejected. 8) For tenders up to 15% less than the estimated contract value of work, no additional security deposit is required. But for tenders beyond less than 15% of the estimated Contract Value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimated contract value, shall be paid by the successful tenderer at the time of concluding agreement as an additional security through a Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft on a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled bank to fulfill the contract. 9) General Terms & Conditions The following certificates, documents etc., are to be scanned, uploaded and attached online on to the e-procurement platform at www.eprocurement.gov.in a) Contractors valid registration certificate under appropriate class with any State or Central Government Departments and undertakings. b) Proof of Provident Fund registration c) Latest IT returns filed along with copy of PAN. d) Registration GST e) Value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last ten financial years or current financial year in the tenderers name in Statement-I along with supporting certificates as specified. f)The details of group of similar works (each of value not less than 50% of ECV) executed as Prime Contractor(in the same name) during the last ten years, showing year wise break up of value of work executed in Statement-II with supporting certificates. g)The physical quantities of specified items executed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) in the last ten financial years or current financial year with year wise break up work wise in Statement-III duly supported with work done certificates. h) Details of existing commitments(i.e. works on hand) with supporting certificates in Statement-IV. i) The availability of Key / critical construction / quality control equipment in Statement-V. j) The availability of Key personnel in Statement-VI. k) The information on litigation history in Statement-VII. l) Proof of possessing Liquid assets credit facility as specified for the required amount. The Solvency Certificate shall not earlier than one year from the date of tender notice. m) DD towards Earnest Money Deposit ( As indicated in NIT) n) DD towards processing fee (As indicated in NIT) o) Proof of GST Registration p) List of Certificates enclosed in Statement VIII Note : The tenderer shall be required to furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copy supplied by them are genuine. Any incorrectness / deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will be initiated including suspension of business. 10) The processing fee and transaction fee neither be refunded nor adjusted, under any circumstances. 11) In technical bid the tenderers shall furnish the credentials by a declaration on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- as per the Proforma under Check list Annexure I duly supported with proof of evidence of all the above certificates. 12) The price bid of those tenderers who fulfill the qualification criteria will only be opened and considered for award of work. 13) The Zonal Manager, TSIIC Ltd., Medchal-Siddipet ZOne reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders or to accept any tender wholly or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever. 14) The tenderer shall hand over the hard copies of uploaded documents / certificates duly signed to the Chief Engineer directly or through his authorized representative or by Registered post or by Courier Service so as to reach at least one day before opening of price bids.

Geographical Particulars
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament
Procedure for Bid Submission
Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 03/10/2024 05:30 PM
2 Commercial Stage 04/10/2024 03:30 PM PQ Stage
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Encryption Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Key Personnel Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard No No N/A
PQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No No N/A