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OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BALRAMPUR Email Id –cmobalrampur123@gmail.com E-Procurement Tender Notice Main Portal: https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in UADD Portal: https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in SYSTEM TENDER NO: - NO: 159095/ PWD/NPP/SEP/2024-25 Online bids are invited for the following works of Items up to: Start Date and Time 26-09-2024 (Start date & time of Bid preparation) at 17:30 hours. (IST) on wards.
Name of Work/Description of Item : GAURAV PATH CONSTRUCTION WORK ON NATIONAL HIGHWAY 343 HOSPITAL CHAUK TO AJAK THANA CHAUK Total Probable Amount of Contract: Rs. 45.93 Lakh
The details can be viewed and downloaded online directly from the Government of Chhattisgarh e-proc Portal https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in or Administration and development Department. https://uad.cg.gov.in from (Start Time) Date 26-09-2024 (IST-17:30) onwards. For more details, terms & conditions on the tender and bidding process you may please visit t
he Office of the Chief Municipal Officer, Nagar Palika Parisad Balrampur. NOTE: - 1. All eligible/interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on e-Proc portal (https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in) -sd- CHIEF MUNICIPAL OFFICER NAGAR PALIKA PARISAD BALRAMPUR
Bid Submission Start Date & Time Bid Due Date & Time Bid Open Date & Time Physical Document Submission Date End Date 26-09-2024 17:30 PM 16-10-2024 Before 17:30 PM 22-10-2024 After 15:00 PM 21-10-2024 Before 17:30 PM
NIT NO: - BALRAMPUR, Dated 20-09-2024
C.M.O., Nagar Palika Parisad Balrampur invites Online Tenders for and on behalf of Chief Municipal Officer, Balrampur for Pre qualification and S.O.R. percentage rate (CGPWD ROAD SOR 01.01.2015) tender in Form -A- through online from Eligible Class Contractors O
F Chhattisgarh/ PWD Chhattisgarh/ Equivalent contractors of Central/State Government and their undertaking or Experienced reputed Firms for similar work on Go Cge-Procurement System (https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in)
S. No. Name of work Estimated cost (in Lakh) Earnest Money Deposit Time Period of Completion 1 GAURAV PATH CONSTRUCTION WORK ON NATIONAL HIGHWAY 343 HOSPITAL CHAUK TO AJAK THANA CHAUK Rs 45.93 Rs. 34500.00 (TDR/FDR in Favour of CHIEF MUNICIPAL OFFICER, NAGAR PALIKA PARISAD, BALRAMPUR) 06 Months
Terms & Conditions:- 1. Whole work will be awarded as single work to L1 bidder. 2. Chief Municipal Officer, BALRAMPUR reserves the rights to cancel, terminate, change or modify this procurement process and/or requirements of bidding stated in the tender, without assigning any reason or providing any notice and without accepting any liability for the same. 3. In order to participate in the tenders floated using the e-Procurement System, all contra
ctors/bidders are required to get enrolled on the e-Procurement portal (https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in). 4. The bids submitted online should be signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to establish the identity of the bidder bidding online. The registered contractors may obtain information required to issuance of Digital Certificate of Chips Raipur 5. For submitting the bids online, the contractors/bidders are required to make online payment using the electronic payments gateway service Bid Hash Submission Fee as mentioned above the different modes of electronic payments accepted on the e-Procurement System is available and can be viewed online on the e-Procurement Website (https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in). 6. Tender Download, Submit Bid Hash online, Submission of Bids, EMD and other Documents and other activities will be governed by the time schedules given under “Key Dates”. 7. Physical Submission of EMD in the form of T.D.R./F.D.R./ in favor of Chief Municipal Off
icer, Tender Fee in the form of D.D., ANNEXURE-13 (AFFIDAVIT) Original and All related tender documents e.g. Registration certificates, Pan card, IT return certificate, GSTIN certificate, Bank solvency, list of Tools and plants, list of technical staffs etc. By speed or registered post to NAGAR PALIKA PARISAD, BALRAMPUR before Dated 18-10-2024 Time: 17.30 PM. 8. Conditions related to e-Procurement are furnished in “Annexure–O” of tender document and will overrule other conditions wherever applicable/relevant. 9. The Bidders has to submit (Upload Scan Copies/fill) his offer/credentials online as required in the tender in the online templates in relevant envelopes. 10. The Bidders may refer Help Manual available online to perform there online activities. 11. The bids of the contractors have to be digitally signed by the Digital Certificate of the Contractor before submitting the bids online. 12. “All the contractors are required to submit Envelope A (inner e
nvelope), Envelope B (outer envelope) both physically & online document a. mandatory containing the following online in Envelope “A”: I. Scan copy of original EMD II. Scan copy DD of Tender Fees III. Annexure-13 (Affidavit) of minimum Rs.100 non Judicial Stamp
b. mandatory containing the following online in Envelope “B”: I. Attested copy of Registration certificates. II. Attested copy of Income Tax Return Clearance (Saral copy) Certificate III. Attested copy of valid GSTIN Registration certificate in state of Chhattisgarh/valid IV. Attested copy of valid Solvency certificate or registration amendment certificate in respect of submission of interest-bearing instrument as security. V. PAN Card attested. VI. Attested List of Technical Personnel along with their agreement/appointment letter and Technical Certificate (at least diploma in civil engineering) . VII. Attested List of Tools and Plants Certified by executive engineer PWD VIII. NOC of al
l tax clearance of ulb issued by chief municipal officer
c. mandatory containing the following Physically in Envelope “A”: I. Scan copy of original EMD II. Scan copy of DD of Tender Fees III. Annexure-13 (Affidavit) of minimum Rs.100 non-Judicial Stamp
d. mandatory containing the following Physically in Envelope “B”: I. Attested copy of Registration certificates. II. Attested copy of Income Tax Return Clearance (Saral copy) Certificate III. Attested copy of valid GSTIN Registration certificate in state of Chhattisgarh/valid IV. Attested copy of valid Solvency certificate or registration amendment certificate in respect of submission of interest-bearing instrument as security. V. PAN Card. VI. List of Technical Personnel along with their agreement/appointment letter and Technical Certificate (at least diploma in civil engineering) VII. List of Tools and Plants Certified by executive engineer PWD. VIII. NOC of all tax clearance of ulb issuing by
chief municipal officer
13. No payment will be done before successfully testing the samples by mobile van of UAD. 14. Neither material advance nor mobilization advance will be given to the contractor. 15. PWD Manual will be follow. 16. Bidder should have their own surveyor with auto level. 17. The Contractor Should Arrange Safety Arrangements for all the workers and if any accident got placed then only contractor will be responsible. 18. The Contractor Should have experience of doing M-30 Concrete work. 19. Contractor should have own bt plant within 50 km radios ANNEXURE-13
ident……..…………………………………………………………………………………..……..of………………………………………(address…………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..) (For and on behalf of………………………………………………
……..…………..…..), do here by and herewith solemnly affirm / state on oath that : - 1. All documents and information furnished are correct in all respects to the best of my knowledge and belief 2. I have not suppressed or omitted any information as is required. 3. I am/ We are neither black listed nor debarred by Govt.of India / Other State Govt. Departments/ Chhattisgarh State Govt. Departments/Urban Local Body. 4. I hereby authorize Technical Cell Officials to get all the documents verified from appropriate source(s).
Deponent (……………………………..) Authorized signatory / for and on behalf of ………………… (affix seal)
Verification I………………………………S/o………………………
………. do here by affirm that the contents stated in Para 1 to 4 above are true to the best of my knowledge and believe and are based on my / our record. Verified that this…………….. date of …………………20..…at (Place)……………….
Seal of attestation by a Public Deponent Notary with date (……………………………..) Authorized signature / for and on behalf of ……………………….. (affix seal)
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Key Schedule S.No. Nagar Palika parisad Stage Start Date Time 1 Bid Start Date 26-09-2024 17:30 2 Bid Due Date 16
-10-2024 17:30 3 Physical Doc Submission End Dates 21-10-2024 17:30 4 Bid Open Date (Scheduled) 22-10-2024 15.00
eq[; uxjikfydk vf/kdkjh uxj ikfydk ifj"kn~ cyjkeiqj ftyk cyjkeiqj&jkekuqtxat N0x