Central Public Works Department - eTenders
Central Public Works Department - eTenders
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Enquiry Particulars

Tender ID 72847 NIT/RFP NO 05/AE(E)-I/IITPED/2023-24
Name of Work Construction of Boys Hostel E in Hostel area at IIT Delhi SH Electrical work in chiller plant room Subwork/Packages Electrical works
Tender Type OPEN Procurement Type WORKS
Bid Type Percentage Estimated Cost(INR)
₹ 3,41,205
Time Allowed 1 months Type of Work Electrical Works
Category of Tendered ELECTRICAL Competitive Bidding Type NCB
No of Stages Single Stage Bidding

Tender Dates

Tender Publishing Date & Time 01/04/2024 14:41 Last Date & Time of receipt of Pre-Bid Queries 05/04/2024 11:00
Receipt of Queries through Interface
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 08/04/2024 15:00 Bid Validity Period (in Days) 30
Bid Validity Expiry Date 08/05/2024 15:30 Tender Notice Type Standard Notice Tender

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars

Office Inviting Bids AE(E)-4 Designation Emmanuel Murmu
Address Office of AE Elect I IITPED CPWD IIT Campus Hauz Khas New Delhi 16 Contact Details 8527528038
Email e.murmu78@gov.in


EMD (INR) ₹ 6,824 EMD In Favour Of Executive Engineer, INA Project Division CPWD, New Delhi
Mode of Payment DD,FDR,CDR,BC,TC,BG

Mandatory Documents

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 EMD Mandatory
2 Receipt of submission of physical EMD as per the instruction Mandatory
3 Enlistment Order of the contractor Mandatory
4 GST Registration Mandatory
5 Valid electrical contractor license Mandatory
6 Any other document as specified in the NIT Mandatory

Eligibility Documents Details

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 Any other document as specified in the NIT Mandatory
2 EMD Mandatory
3 Enlistment Order of the contractor Mandatory
4 GST Registration Mandatory
5 Receipt of submission of physical EMD Mandatory
6 Valid electrical contractor license Mandatory


S.No Cover Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Single Bid 08/04/2024 15:30
Cover Form Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies Type of Form
Single Bid Price Bid 08/04/2024 15:30 Secure