Central Public Works Department - eTenders
Central Public Works Department - eTenders
Government Of India
Ministry Of Housing & Urban Affairs
Central Public Works Department
Excellence in Public Works
View Tender Details

Enquiry Particulars

Tender ID 83289 NIT/RFP NO 29/NIT/MGCD/SH/2024-25
Name of Work Construction of Fire Exit staircase, underground reservoir for disaster management plan and upgradation of back yard area at O/o The Pr. Accountant General (A & E) Shillong, Meghalaya (SH: Beautify of newly constructed planter with filling of good earth and plantation of plant. Subwork/Packages
Tender Type OPEN Procurement Type WORKS
Bid Type Percentage Estimated Cost(INR)
₹ 54,074
Time Allowed 15 days Type of Work Horticulture and Development Works
Category of Tendered HORTICULTURE Competitive Bidding Type NCB
No of Stages Single Stage Bidding

Tender Dates

Tender Publishing Date & Time 25/07/2024 17:41 Last Date & Time of receipt of Pre-Bid Queries 01/08/2024 15:00
Receipt of Queries through Interface
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 02/08/2024 15:00 Bid Validity Period (in Days) 30
Bid Validity Expiry Date 01/09/2024 15:30 Tender Notice Type Standard Notice Tender

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars

Office Inviting Bids HCSD-S Designation Assistant Director Horticulture
Address cleve colony cpwd Contact Details 6387031627
Email manjeet.1507@gov.in


EMD (INR) ₹ 1,081 EMD In Favour Of EE-MGCD, CPWD, Shillong-03
Mode of Payment DD,FDR,BC,BG

Mandatory Documents

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 List of documents to be scanned and uploaded as per mentioned in NIT page 12 sl no i to ix Mandatory

Eligibility Documents Details

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 As per NIT Mandatory


S.No Cover Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Single Bid 02/08/2024 15:30
Cover Form Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies Type of Form
Single Bid Price Bid 02/08/2024 15:30 Secure