Central Public Works Department - eTenders
Central Public Works Department - eTenders
Government Of India
Ministry Of Housing & Urban Affairs
Central Public Works Department
Excellence in Public Works
View Tender Details

Enquiry Particulars

Tender ID 84301 NIT/RFP NO 21/EE(E)(T)/AE(E)/TCESD-II/CPWD/2024-25
Name of Work Construction of A Type school building and 4 nos. Type II 4 nos-Type III and 1 No. Type V quarters and other miscellaneous works like cycle/scooter shed along with volley ball court, Basket ball court, badminton court, roads,drains, compound wall and UG sump etc. including internal electrical installations, lightning conductors, External LT service connection, street lightning, water supply pumps, firefighting with down comer system for Kendriya Vidyalaya, Golden Rock at Trichy. SH: Providing one Light Motor vehicle for Inspection work for EE(E) for 6 Months Subwork/Packages
Tender Type OPEN Procurement Type WORKS
Bid Type Percentage Estimated Cost(INR)
₹ 3,43,866
Time Allowed 6 months Type of Work Electrical and Maintenance Works
Category of Tendered ELECTRICAL,COMPOSITE Competitive Bidding Type NCB
No of Stages Single Stage Bidding

Tender Dates

Tender Publishing Date & Time 03/08/2024 16:33 Last Date & Time of receipt of Pre-Bid Queries 12/08/2024 15:00
Receipt of Queries through Email Email tcesd2cpwdtrichy@gmail.com
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 12/08/2024 15:30 Bid Validity Period (in Days) 30
Bid Validity Expiry Date 11/09/2024 16:00 Tender Notice Type Standard Notice Tender

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars

Office Inviting Bids AE(E)-2 Designation Uthaya Suresh Balu
Address O/o. The Assistant Engineer(E), Contact Details 9003331038
Email usb.cpwd@gmail.com


EMD (INR) ₹ 6,877 EMD In Favour Of The Executive Engineer, TCD, CPWD, Trichy
Mode of Payment DD,FDR,BC,TC,BG,Exempted

Mandatory Documents

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 Valid Vehicle Registration Documents Mandatory
2 Valid Vehicle Insurance Documents Mandatory
3 Copy of Treasury Challan / Demand Draft / Pay order / Bankers Cheque / Deposit at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any schedule bank against EMD / Fixed Deposit Receipt uploaded to the e-biding website within the period of bid submission Mandatory
4 Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD (Proforma attached in Page No. 9 of this NIT to be downloaded and duly filled) Mandatory
5 GST Registration Certificate of the State which the work is to be taken up, if already obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the work is to be taken up, or as required by GST authorities then in such a case the bidder shall scan and upload following under taking along with other bid documents Mandatory
6 Copy of Latest GST return acknowledgement Mandatory
7 Any other document as specified in NIT Mandatory

Eligibility Documents Details

S.No Document Name Document Type
1 As Per NIT Mandatory


S.No Cover Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Single Bid 12/08/2024 16:00
Cover Form Name Opening date & Time Opened Date & Time Evaluation Dependencies Type of Form
Single Bid Price Bid 12/08/2024 16:00 Secure