Tender Details
District Name ALIGARH
Category Name 2024 3rd Quarter (July 24 - Sep 24)
Tender Number 1188
Tender Title Surveying. Soil investigation, Design and Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete required for completion of following works of "Aligarh Municipal Limit Extension Water Supply Scheme Group-A": (i) Construction of Over Head Tank, Pump house, Boundary wall with gate, Staff quarter, Substation, LCS Room, Site Development, Approach Road, Repairing of Over Head Tank & CWR Cum Pump House. ii) Supply, Laying & Jointing of Rising Main, Water Supply Distribution Network
Tender Date 30/08/2024
Last Date of Sale 03/10/2024 17:00
Date of Opening 04/10/2024 15:00
End Date 03/10/2024
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