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Date : Jul 01, 2024
Construction of Underground Rainwater Harvesting Tank at Main Office Premises, Reserve Bank of India, Guwahati

e-tender no: RBI/GUWAHATI/ESTATE/13/24-25/ET/115

Reserve Bank of India, Guwahati invites e-tender under Two Bid system (Techno-Commercial & Financial Bid) for the above mentioned work. The tender forms can be downloaded/ viewed from July 01, 2024 from RBI website www.rbi.org.in and MSTC e-portal at www.mstcecommerce.com.

Your tender, duly filled-in and e-signed, should be submitted by e-tendering mode only through MSTC New Common Portal www.mstcecommerce.com. The schedule and brief details of the e-tendering process are as follows:

  1. Estimated Cost: ₹6,21,369/-

  2. Earnest Money (only for Successful Bidder): 2% of the contract amount

  3. Publication of Event- Date and Time: 01.07.2024 from 17:00 Hours

  4. Bid Start Date and Time: 01.07.2024 from 17:00 Hours

  5. Bid Close Date and Time: 08.07.2024 at 14:00 Hours

  6. TOE (Tender Opening Event)- Start Date and Time: 08.07.2024 from 15:00 Hours

Any amendment(s) / corrigendum / clarifications with respect to this tender shall be uploaded on the website / e-portal only.

Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons for doing so.

This is a LIMITED e-TENDER. Only those bidders/vendors who are empanelled with RBI Guwahati for such Civil works for the Price Category of “₹5 Lakh- ₹10 Lakh” are eligible to participate in this e-tender process.

Deputy General Manager (O-i-C)
Reserve Bank of India